Thank you for schooling me in your version of The Rules For Internet Commenting but no thanks.
Thank you for schooling me in your version of The Rules For Internet Commenting but no thanks.
This be true. I was using a bit of hyperbole for the joke’s sake, but you’re kidding yourself if you think RGIII’s whining and social media rants and being a huge douchebag aren’t almost the same level of distraction as Jonathan Football.
RG3 cleared out his locker today, save for this note.
Nowhere near the baggage?
Who says the article has to reference someone in order for a commenter to say something about someone else? Is this a kinja law I was previously unaware of?
Andy Dalton’s Thumb: Whoa!
Receivers also can have yards and TDs.
I looked it up on Zillow. It’s 5 bed 5 bath and 3600 sq ft. - in other words very much updated as nothing short of a mansion would have been that big 350+ years ago. He’s not that far off.
It’s slouch, and level of White Pride, are apparently adjustable as well.
Haha, right - “Allow us to SHOW you how much worse, friends!”
“I successfully avoided UNWANTED pregnancy thanks to PP.”
That’s what you get for playing... shudder... indoor lacrosse.
You answered whether it was an actual good call or not with the second part of that last sentence.
Let the squabble end, for Jim Nantz is a super douchebag who probably smells bad!
I haven’t seen a cricket man do that bad of a job since Jiminy.
Stop pretending that what we know for FACT about Ballghazi and this HGH thing for Peyton are the same thing. Yeah the shipments came to his house, but you don’t KNOW he took them, you just want to think so.
God I wish I could just watch the TV broadcast and have either the local radio call sync’d up OR just the field audio instead of play by play and color.
Is your icon Danger Mouse? If so, a tribute to the show or the DJ?