Lawyer Morty

You’re making shit up on the internet and I called you on it. That’s all.

I don’t disagree. I’m not a Manning fan, I don’t care about his life. But someone saying “WELL HE BASICALLY ADMITTED TO IT!!” is not correct, and I’m calling that person out.

Version of ballghazi? You mean the version that is accurate and correct?

Oh I totally agree that it seems like a bullshit answer. I also think that these Al Jazeera “raising question” reports seem fucked up too.

Goodell is a moron and I certainly don’t give any credit or validity to anything that giant penis says, and neither should you.

I’m not fooling yourself any more than you are when you say “he as much as admitted it”. He absolutely admitted nothing other than “what my wife gets from the doctor is her business”

I was working the game yesterday and Nantz was in the media dining area. A woman was introduced to him and she said something along the lines of “what’s your name again?” to him... I assume he almost exploded in rage at not being universally recognized.

Good call. I literally cannot think of one good call by him. Huh. Maybe “hello friends”... which is stupid as hell anyway?

Jim Nantz is the worst, no argument there... but I couldn’t be less interested in a now-recanted HGH story when compared to a player/team “cheating” in a game, getting called out, and then lying about the circumstances.

...not after the home crowd lost its mind for Manning’s entrance...

So do you write for Simmons or just love him?

God must not exist, for he would never allow the world to have ANOTHER Hathaway in it.


Sure he hit a bike cop in THIS system, but at the next level he’ll never hit a bike cop like a true drop-back QB.

+1 Tackle For Loss.

Bat-brandisher brother Ball briefly burgles ball, busted; booted.

Anyone who doesn’t like 3 v 3 OT hockey is a card-carrying Nazi. Yeah, I like it THAT much.

There are highlights that need truthering. This be one.

So many from MLS!

Is that what Deulofeu means? That’s cool. Languages are neat.