Lawyer Morty

I think he’s crying because Tunisia apparently has the broadcast capabilities of a high school AV department in 1992.

That’s the Frenchest sounding name for a Spaniard I’ve ever heard. Huh.

My brain is fine... perhaps your eyes aren’t working very well - I see them in a relegation battle.

Funner fact from my brain: your coach is sacked and you’re gonna get relegated.

Got season-swept by the Nuggets for the first time in a lifetime, too. Whammy.

I thought I would love this stuff - my wife and I both kinda sorta hated it. Regular hummus, please!

Related due to Manning photo: I was at the debacle on Sunday but pregame I went by the team store to see if they had any decently priced hoodies - that one Manning is wearing in the header photo? TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTY AMERICAN GODDAMN DOLLARS. For a motherfucking fleecy hoodie!!! GAH!


Platini has decided against showing up.

+1 Kenny Brockelstein

How important was American Pharoah’s Triple Crown win to the average sports fan such as myself? I have legit completely forgotten about it 3 times since it happened... this summer.

+1 macaroni portrait.

What he said... OR averaged that against a league that was mostly white and a fair amount regular smokers, lol. Two ridiculously different eras. Cannot compare.


Not even KINDA close to the net... Wow!

I have not read anyone else’s comments on here but I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one saying that this guy makes a ton of sense. I don’t love it, I’m not condoning it, but yo folks: sports is a bidness! As much as you wanna think your local team bleeds the same blood as you, they don’t. They don’t give a fuck.

Something about your support of a douchebag thug who instigates and cries about calls tells me I need to get out of this conversation.
