Lawyer Morty

Nah, those violent conduct charges, eeeeverybody gets those all the time, right? Those mean nothing I guess.

At his best he’s a fucking cunt and tries to injure other players. Get the fuck out of here with this “plays the game the right way” shit too, that’s not what I’m talking about. He undermines the entire sport by baiting opponents into physicality and screams at the ref when they react.

No, I don’t agree... Chelsea, Mo, and Diego are 3 very easy-to-want-to-bludgeon-to-death entities. Anyone who’s a fan of any other EPL team thinking all three can go fuck themselves seems perfectly in place to me.

I admit I jumped to conclusions about your fandom, but anyone who doesn’t “get” why people have hated on Diego (for over a year mind you) seemed to not understand the game.

Diego Costa being a cunt didn’t affect me until 2014 when he started playing in the league I follow against my favorite team. I’m sure most people have similar thoughts.

Dude’s a shithead, man. Nothing fake about hating on a guy who is singlehandedly trying to undermine the way a sport is played. Fuck Diego Costa.

I find it more funny that you’re going on a blog talking about a player and a sport of which you obviously know ZERO about and accusing the people on said blog of having “fake” hatred.

Meanwhile, Manti Te’o is STILL searching.

+ 1 (k)

I wish my name had a story like that.

I did not expect such a civil response, what with your name and all. Kudos!

Please, he was “shot” in the leg, this isn’t even attempted murder.

Of all the AWESOME roles of Tom Skerritt that you could have picked, you went with THAT one?! GROSS!

Remember guys, Football Is Family!

Sure Leicester ARE in first, but truthfully they are Thai’d with Man City.

There’s a fucking code of conduct for getting a drink at a bar? Jesus H, America, has it come to this?!

I can’t wait for First Take’s scaldingly hot as fuck taek on this... “Should Robert Flores Be Race Baiting?”

That’s not really the point though, is it? Also as someone else pointed out to you, that’s NOT the only thing that happened so... yeah.

Winston remembered the saying from a motivational card he saw that one time at Publix.

We’re doing a combo of hosting friends with no family in town and our (me and wife’s) family - it’ll be nice like it always is, cordial but relaxed.