“Thank you all for a thoughtful debate.”
They’re both a couple of fuckwads. Guy Fieri is an unlikable asshole who puts a front on for the TV crowd - Bourdain just never even tries to cover it up.
COLD blooded.
Whew, I nearly fell asleep during that set up. Nice finish though.
A car called an F1 was NEVER intended to be a race car, eh? coughBULLSHITcough
I guess I must not be in your target audience. This is like the 5th article I’ve read about you and your Skyline and it just blows me away that people are remotely interested in this topic. This is the equivalent of watching people play video games on the internet.
Pup1213’s comment sponsored by Stephen A. Smith
Don’t listen to this guy.
Well it must be nice to not have to think about these things. I do have to think about this, and my viewpoint is the one I said.
Define a little strange? How about “don’t you think it’s fucked up that...?” haha...
Also, having a child is a choice, yes... but not a luxury. It’s a freaking kid, I mean it’s how our species continues existing for fuck’s sake. It’s not a fucking Rolls Royce, it should be treated as such either.
You can think that, but wouldn’t you agree that it’s a little strange that just about every other developed, progressive country in the world gives a minimum of 5 or 6 months, most up to a year, of paid time off for raising a family?
You don’t know what that word means.
I don’t need the mother to read your comments, we’re reading your comments and seeing what a fuckwad you are just fine. Enjoy your shitty life.
Hopefully something you love in your life dies soon too, and we’ll all be there to tell you how wrong you are for wanting something different, you fucking scumbag.
Insanely well said. Thank you.
This is true. They were set back by the work of McDaniels’ buffoonery and they haven’t really recovered, and some of those picks in ‘13 and ‘14... ugh. Montee Ball picked before Eddie Lacy will haunt my dreams.
I don’t totally disagree... the drafts recently have netted nothing in the high rounds, where you need your studs and superstars to be (with the exception of can’t-miss Von) and have done well in the later rounds where you need your back ups and hopefuls to pan out.
I get your point but I doubt it - if you heard a huge loud boom at a game I don’t think the first thing you think of is “explosion”, I’d think firecrackers or some kind of bomb made to be loud, not to injure. But that might just be my thinking.