And that’s why mine was a complimentary joke to his, turd.
And that’s why mine was a complimentary joke to his, turd.
Let’s not go nuts here. I don’t care how much of a draw it is for casual fans, hockey isn’t going to abandon the way it’s been played for 100+ years so that some random fan says “oh hey hockey is marginally more interesting to me”.
Well that’s a relief, cause hearing no doesn’t stop him either.
“Ain’t that the truth!”
I can’t imagine she missed seeing the game all that much, she appears to be more of a White Skin fan.
Flacco continued, “Well, the headset started working again right at the end and told me to throw that terribly stupid pass. It told me to get this haircut and miss the birth of my second kid. Blame the headset for all of it.”
“’d think the multi-billion-dollar operation could figure out a pretty bullet-proof communications system in pretty short order.”
Bullshit, Ravens. You know what happens when you assume...
You guys need a Slow News Day tag.
-1 for making me watch Weird Al
I do replay for the jumbotron in the arena in my town. This situation is basically porn for me.
...Wonder how many times he cried...
“No no no, you misheard me, I said I was gonna go run out and get this team more MOXY. I mean moxie. MOXIE is what I said.”
I wouldn’t think it would be much harder than having real grass in Denver at Mile High, which we have.
I think that was HIS point too - it was so fast that it was just announced yesterday.
Played a little high school ball, didjya fellas?
Making Congress look like idiots doesn’t have to be gender-related, they look like fuckwads most of the time whether it’s a man or a woman they’re trying to yell at.
“I do disagree with the lifestyle” is code word for “I don’t like gay people but I can’t actually say that cause I’d get blasted for it”. Gimme a break.