No, he’s only spewing hate when asked about it. MUCH better.
No, he’s only spewing hate when asked about it. MUCH better.
So he’s only mildly a horrible shitbag? Got it.
Just like the real Schweinsteiger this “supply duty” doll comes onto the field halfway through the fight, ready to help out only to find the work has already been done.
Me: Boy, this eye black sure gave the NFL a black eye?! AMIRITE?!
Ugh, you pointing this out made me check out Matthew Berry’s wikipedia and good god, is it depressing. Thanks a lot, pal.
Maybe the fat ass next to him said the “go fuck you” line? It’s so clear for someone riding by on a bike.
...Except for last month when you were yelling at him, right Hyperbole Haisley?
Oh stop. You’re just saying that for your joke’s sake - watch that again, there’s no chance he could know where the rebound was going exactly and Ramsey had the better chance at it anyway.
Most Insuferable Fans? Pats #1.
It’s very telling that this link was from Mike & Mike. Garbage begets garbage, my friend. can’t deny that Frank Caliendo is very good at what he does.
Unfortunately for Caliendo that’s probably the finest picture ever taken of him.
Haha, wow, what a response! First off, I don’t give a fuck about the Saints or the Seahawks so if you do and know a lot more about their team dynamic, I guess you have me there. But from your answer, I don’t think you do. 8 catches for 140 seems like he’s helping his team out to me, but I guess those stats mean…
I went to a few Colorado Rapids (MLS... I know I know) games this year and they serve Strongbow cider and Montejo garbage Mexican lager in cans. And those are tallboys too, can’t believe the terrace section hasn’t had a problem with flinging those before.
Probably not the greatest argument, pal - Graham had a fantastic day, their defense let them down, not their tight end, and the guy they traded for would have been a non-factor in either point there. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your argument!
I thought Colin Hanks went to Loyola? Huh.
Great article - our family dog is a Basenji/Husky mix and gets terribly freaked out by fireworks, thunder, whistles from youth sporting events in the park near us, you name it. We bought him a ThunderShirt a few years ago and it’s worked great for him. My wife and I like to tell people, when they ask if it works, that…
This needs more stars than the original post.
Tom Ley, single-handedly keeping the art of using stupid ass words for home runs alive.