This times a billiondy. I just had this argument with someone and when I said “yeah but it’s short for GAH-RAPHICS not JI-RAPHICS” they had NO rebuttal. Boom.
This times a billiondy. I just had this argument with someone and when I said “yeah but it’s short for GAH-RAPHICS not JI-RAPHICS” they had NO rebuttal. Boom.
Kids: simultaneously the worst and the best.
Yeah what a shithead he only had THREE incredible, classic, culture-changing albums. :)
Ja looks like a puppy, sounds like Cookie Monster. Now why can’t we take him serious again?
...he apparently attempted to headbutt security
You called him Chase. I bet you’re not objective.
If only more runners were as brave as you, Erin, and shared more with us about their running. Someday I hope to live in a world where runners feel more comfortable telling strangers about their running.
My junior year of high school, I was A) playing both rugby and the tuba in the marching band and B) a spectacularly bad judge of when my body would say “stop eating, idiot”. Suffice to say I was hungry all the time and could pack it away with the best of them.
I will never understand the purchasing of a jersey with a player’s name on it. The team is the thing I love most, not necessarily an individual, and the risk of that individual being a shitbag/becoming crappy/leaving the team is too much for me to invest. Blank jerseys for all!
Spoiler for you: all Blackhawks fans are shitheads and none of the rest of us like you. It’s just tough to notice when you’re in it.
I wish that whoever produces that show would realize how fucking horrible the audio is; use a boom mic and fix that shit. I’ve heard high school news programs that sound better. Gah! /audio rant
0% chance my little dude plays football. There are like a dozen other fun sports, my man, go play one of those!
So long, Torres, you fucking scumbag
I can tell exactly how old someone is by asking them “do you know who Pewdiepie is?”
My wife used to watch Fixer Upper when we had cable like it was going out of style, and I found myself enjoying it more by the end.
I like his better. Prop means property, pro could be anything.
ISIS does have a team. They go by the Cardinals.
Came here literally to type this exact word.
I don’t know, Valencia is in no-man’s-land but at least he’s somewhat keeping his mark. I think Smalling might be even more ridiculous on this play. Who exactly are you defending, Smalling?!