Lawyer Morty

Necks had a very shitty weekend.

“Make that neck-and-neck-AND-NECK, pal!”


Lee-Lo Laid Low

Decency standards at Ralph Wilson Stadium have fallen faster than... well, the fans at Ralph Wilson Stadium.

Must be at the gym with that streeeeeetchin’.


Good to see Roy lost some weight and got his hockey career going.

Hello, this is Alex.

Fuck the haterz. That’s quality.

Seems like a justified response from Kompany after all of the Premier League rode him around last season.

It does make more sense. It’s also incorrect. So whammy.

In a sense, you’re both right cause it seems that it was derived from the word “supercharger” and “soup” referring to injecting a horse’s ass.

I’d say his Rockies polo tucked into his khaki shorts is WAY more offensive.

You seem to have jealousy issues.

Yeah I agree. Newsweek calling the internet a fad and stupid and saying it’ll blow over in a week was WAY more dated and ridiculous. I mean, Pearl Jam is still playing...? Did we miss something?

Oh this is awkward. You think I’m agreeing with you. Uh oh.

Not sure what’s more impressive, the fact that he hit Neymar IN STRIDE or the fact that he used a bicycle kick to do it!

“leave the exaggeration...”