Lawyer Morty

+1 for topical

I’m not sure what my favorite part of this article is: the joke about killing your child or the joke about Kanye’s mom’s death. Mother Of The Year!

The CZAR stat is truly the only way we can know if a commentor is legit or not.

this comment needs many more stars.

“That should bring up some Red Flags. But nobody’s talking about that.”

Exactly. That’s not a defense of Brady answer, that’s a FUCK ROGER GOODELL answer.

Darrell Bevell: thinks it was the right play to call.

+1 Czar.

My wife gave birth to our son and had a mess of problems down there, too. She has nearly fully recovered but when we have sex it still is mildly painful at first, she says. I might have her read these comments... it’s kinda tough to suggest “you should do kegel exercises” to your wife.

I’m even happier for you so you can tell everyone all the time about your decision, hero.

Played a lil’ high school ball, didja?

I haven’t read a women’s mag like Comso since I was a horny middle school kid learning positions I would never get to try out, but I’m glad as hell that the corny and fake as fuck “reader submissions” haven’t gotten any better.

I love them so much. Too bad they’re now a dumpster fire.

+1 Switzerland

I dont know how to embed things. The internet confuses me.

I know you didn’t write it, but...

“Hell yes!”

What an absolute shame... that the bull didn’t kill him. Fuck bullfighting, I hope every bull kills every matador every single time.

He may have lost a step and I agree with you on that, I just find these “he sounds like an old man!” critiques of this album to be so fucking stupid - he is an old man, folks, as someone else pointed out above me: he’s a billionaire on the Apple board. How fucking stupid would sound if he was rapping about blunts and

No you’re right. The guys in this video, pitching 79 mph and making tag team catches and using a pitch speed radar gun and a camera and wearing uniforms and keeping track of the score and inning, are most definitely NOT taking this seriously at all.