Lawyer Morty

+1 Old Man.


Couldn’t agree more. I loved X-Men, Ghost Rider, Punisher, Batman, all of them growing up in the 80s and 90s.

I’d rather watch a Garfield Spiderman movie than an Andrew Garfield Spiderman movie.

I don’t think that women CAN’T know as much as me about sports, but my wife sure doesn’t. And she’s a female. Ergo, NO WOMEN CAN SPORT AS MUCH AS ME.

I actually feel like we used to interact on there all the time. This was 3+ years ago, but circle of life, man.

I haven’t been to the Org in forever. Used to live on there.

tl;dr, baseball is silly

Nick Bownino

Especially knowing the Bo Jackson could have DESTROYED everyone in that fight if he had chose to. What a great dude.

Immediately after seeing the interview, Jeffrey Loria called down to the booth to pull a double switch on the dog with a basset hound, screamed at Craig Minervini for not cutting the dog’s mic and traded Blaylock for a Blonde To Be Named Later.

This must all be going over my head.

Guess that’s why no one was sitting in those seats, eh?

No no, it was two BLACK players fighting so the police just let it ride. Who cares about that?!?

Yes it was quick, because in the time you to type those 43 words as a post you could’ve done exactly what this dude did and googled “black soccer player eats banana” yourself.

Gaaaahhhh baseball can be so fucking stupid.

By FAR the most important step is the first:

yeah telling people you’ll be hanging around people farting for 45 minutes straight would REALLY increase attendance

I’ll be sure to think of how classist and racist and sexist and bullshit golf is next time me and my friends are casually playing on a weekend, harming zero people.

Same. Embarrassed how long it took me.