The Militant Moderate

“The Legislature finds that all human life comes from the Creator, has an inherent value that cannot be quantified by man, and begins at the earliest biological development of a fertilized human egg,” the bill reads.

Best title reappropriation EVER. All the fist bumps.

“It is as if the Japanese government is waiting for us to stop speaking out and die,” Lee said.

I’m surprised he got anywhere doing cold reads that badly.

$250,000 to Kinsman and $700,000 to her attorneys

Men who leave work to care for a child are seen as extraordinary dads. Women who leave work to care for a child are seen as inferior workers.

...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.

Why is there always someone ready to jump in with the “I KNEW HE WAS BAD ALL ALONG!” comment whenever some rape scandal comes up? Good for you, Captain Hindsight. Maybe next time use your rapist detecting superpower BEFORE there have been a bunch of articles on how he’s a rapist.

To me, the larger point is that “establishment” has become, like most politically and/or socially charged terms tend to, a rhetorical bludgeon that people use to avoid having to direcly address someone’s ideas.

My daughter died suddenly of a previously undiagnosed heart condition, Long QT Syndrome. She was at her apartment in university and was studying at the time of her death. Sudden cardiac death happens and it is heartbreaking and tragic. I hope this poor family finds out what happens to their daugher, and I hope so much

Boyz 2 Men has to be the winner.

What bothers me is how some people assume that if someone is charged, that means they are guilty, and if they are found not guilty, it is because of some conspiracy on the part of the police, the prosecution, or the courts.

Just know that you have named my autobiography. “Catching Dick Left and Right: The LolaCat5 Story” will sell ALL the copies because of you.

In a corrollary, those people who grandly declare they “can’t even” most certainly can, and will continue to.

especially when someone dresses up like a period.

The deposition, in which Cosby said that he gave Constand, “three friends to make (her) relax,” was cited as a key piece of evidence prior to Cosby’s arrest.

There are documentaries made about how the CJS has fucked over black people. Murder on a Sunday Morning won an Oscar and is fantastic, Central Park Five is on Netflix, and though 3½ Minutes, Ten Bullets is more about police brutality, it is also about how stand your ground usually only applies to white men.

It looks amusing enough to justify the low cost-of-entry to watch the first episode and decide from there.

Wait, didn’t we just find out that Penn let El Chapo vet the entire story before it was published?

I thought she was the first until I did a little digging. The only other trans person I can find who was nominated is Angela Morley, a composer who transitioned in the early 1970s and underwent gender reassignment surgery in 1972. Two years later, she was nominated for Stanley Donen’s The Little Prince and then The