The Militant Moderate

Women will complain about anything these days. It’s like, if you don’t want to have your face ejaculated on, don’t injure your shoulder...seems pretty simple to me.

“Always, we are worried about his safety. There’s been conversations about that. The stories are exaggerated about this.”

But remember guys, Football is Family!!!! You know, like how sometimes family members will very publicly abandon your family that has cared about and supported them for years because they find a different family that will make them more money.

I will say that it is refreshing that his take is not to get defensive about people being offended, spouting the same old bullshit about how comedy is somehow immune to criticism. We are at least spared the insincere apologies and ironic whining about people being too sensitive these days.

girl cant even tie up a whole store-full of employees at gunpoint and steal millions of dollars in jewelry without wearing a mask without being sexualized like whats a girl gotta do to avoid sexual harassment in the workplace smh

I”m not answering for the OP, but I learned from a pediatrician not too long ago that children’s gender identity is fairly cemented around age 3. At my niece’s 3-year-old well-child check up there was a question on the doctor’s questionnaire that asked her if she was a boy or a girl. I suspect that a child’s answer to

It's like they read the parable of Christ and the blind beggar and stopped at the part where Jesus threw mud and spit in his eyes.

Oh silly rabbit, I do work in “the business” and of course I watched the show. Being able to do the job you are hired to do—which, in her case was to bring a low budget film by a first time directer in on time and on budget, (not to coddle some know-next-to-nothing entitled twat face who tries to undermine her

How many home playoff games do winners of dumpster-fire divisions have to lose before the NFL figures out what the NBA finally got wise to this year?

The conclusion to this analysis does not make sense.

As noted, Hoyer had the most first-half turnovers in over a decade (four); he also played below-average (at best) the last time he played the Chiefs. More importantly, he also played below-average the only other team he faced a good defense this season (the Bengals).

I’m very pro-gun safety legislation, but I will admit that I’ve felt judged by some because it seems most others in my camp are anti-guns-for-everything. Someone on here once told me that it’s impossible in ensure the guns in my house aren’t going to hurt anyone. Which I guess is somewhat true in that theoretically

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere

It’s been years, and it still annoys me that The Office ended Jim (and Pam)‘s arc by having him move to be a pro sports agent in Austin. It makes no sense! It’s the one place you wouldn’t move!

I am looking forward to the debate in another 5-10 years about which team will be relocating to St Louis, which can’t possibly be without a football team. Jaguars? Texans?

There’s a world of difference between reading a good book by an author who happens to be a woman of color, telling people about that book and recommending it to others; and publicly proclaiming your intention to avoid books by straight white men to score enlightenment points.

That sounds like pretty much the same thing as what I said.

The NFL is a nonprofit (lol) trade group. MLB is a monopoly with a special antitrust exemption, so Congress can get involved by holding hearings and displaying outrage over shenanigans in America’s Game.

Another brutal thing? Teachers make less than actors. Homeless children. My foot hurts.

This is a very socially acceptable vision of depression. What it totally misses however is that depression has many unpleasant faces. I’m not just talking about the lack of personal hygiene which can become unbearable. It can look like crankiness, impatience, intolerance, lack of empathy. Half the people may cry and

It’s like a Who’s Who List of colleges I’ve never heard of.