I remember a guy who kept using “tomato” aliases, like some kind of fucked up psycho serial killer or something. “Let’s see if you can figure out my game, Batman!”
I remember a guy who kept using “tomato” aliases, like some kind of fucked up psycho serial killer or something. “Let’s see if you can figure out my game, Batman!”
Here’s a serious question - can you guys not ban people? I frequent a site on MMA called “BloodyElbow,” and they’ve done a phenomenal job of banning trolls, haters, mark-ass tricks, trick-ass marks, punk bitches, skips, skaps, and scallywags.
I honestly don’t give a fuck about Melania’s dissembling, gaslighting, enabling punk-ass. I hope this burns the filth and ash she has at the core of her soulless being.
Because it’s expensive and will be almost completely useless. You’re welcome!
“Well, if weed is legal, how am I going to justify re-starting stop-and-frisk against all the nig-, I mean darki-, I mean thugs?”
Oh, man. This is SO GOOD. I love this article so much.
s/he is what you call a “concern troll.” I promise you, s/he is not even remotely concerned about homophobia.
ignore him, bro. Literally not even worth the time it takes to respond.
ha ha, nice try fuckface.
“Magazines appealing to a “prurient interest in sex,”...”
Your brother in law is happily and fully supporting policies that make it easier for police to kill me and people who look like me, and make it much harder for those of us who survive to get medical treatment. Fuck your evil-ass brother in law, that worthless piece of shit.
This is a correct statement.
Look - fuck all Trump supporters, for real.
Did this muthafucka really describe HIMSELF as having “classic, chiseled features”??? Fool looks like someone tried to carve a face out of cream of mushroom soup.
This is correct.
This was absolutely great advice.
“McDonald’s is no worse then Vegan/Organic/whatevs.”
Ha ha! You’re a complete fucking idiot definitely making good points!
Wow, I didn’t realize those were the only two options! So, if I give up the internet forever, we can save the polar bear??? What a totally valid and not at all completely fucking stupid suggestion you just made! Gee, Mr. Pruitt, you’re the best!
That’s very encouraging, Mr. Pruitt! Then we might as well continue doing absolutely nothing to change our behavior! So glad you came by to drop that knowledge on us!