
Now that I’ve read the article: Shoulda gone to that BSU, bro. They woulda helped you sort through a whole bunch of shit. Blackness is an identity that society puts on you. You better figure it out quick. Read some James Baldwin and Invisible Man before the end of November.

REPRESENT, AMHERST MA! I went to UMass Amherst for grad school, yo! 2001 - 2009. When were you there???

I “like” how that motherfucker with his “Muslim” “friends” is trolling everyone with his stupid ass questions, like we give a damn. Don’t respond to him, Phyllis. As for you, Mr. 1979: stay in the greys, bitch.


I’m standing at attention right now, if you get my drift.

So, here’s a question: do these racist motherfuckers actually have a black friend? Like, is there just a secret, infinite supply of Clarence “Uncle” Thomas motherfuckers so eager for white love, that they’ll sell out the cause, and befriend these fucks?

Yeah, but 14 years old, dude. It’s one thing if I’m macking on a similar-aged adult, and they say “no,” and I leave, v. macking on a teenager.

If I remember from the movie, Spacey’s character could tell that she wasn’t into it really, but into the drama, is that right? Or am I reading too much into that scene?

Wow, I can’t believe a “white pride” organization is filled with violent, cowardly fucks.

Bro, I don’t know who you’re getting to rec your nonsense posts, but why don’t you fuck off back to Stormfront with your pretty transparent race baiting?


Get lost. You’re not fooling anybody.

Nice try.

Damn, I guess you *do* know what it’s like to live in that culture of constant validation. Lucky you! Short version: the “respect for other people” you learned has been unevenly taught. It’s like the racial version of toxic masculinity.

Damn, I guess you *do* know what it’s like to live in that culture of constant validation. Lucky you! Short version: the “respect for other people” you learned has been unevenly taught. It’s like the racial version of toxic masculinity.

“ how freaking self-obsessed do you have to be”

Gotta be careful with that. Very good chance it devolves into unabashed Hotepery.

See my above response to his so-called “point.”

Hey. Buddy. I read it.

Well, you should think about it. Because I feel like it’s relevant to whatever point you think you’re making.