
The important modifier and explanation of behavior in “White Evangelicalism” isn’t “Evangelicalism.”

Here’s the problem - if they got rid of the racism, they wouldn’t be able to keep their base. Remember, the white “Christians” who make up the modern GOP voters only support the GOP’s dismantling of the social safety net because they are convinced that the ni- I mean, thu-, I mean ‘welfare queens’ will be screwed over

Dogg, what the fuck are you talking about.

What????? Because literally what on earth does racist policing have to do with bullying in a high school, that’s how so. Was Blake secretly bullying the police officer that we don’t know about??? Come ON, man. Do better than this.

Glad to see the DOJ going after the real racists. Not the police departments systematically targeting minorities. Not GOP congressmen disenfranchising POC voters. But all the ni-, I mean thu-, I mean black people at Harvard.

Sorry your example is shit.

Hey, fuck head. You do realize that people ALSO volunteer; donate; campaign; organize; and protest AS WELL AS posting things online? Get your fucking “holier-than-thou” “I’m above it all” bullshit the fuck outta here.

This motherfucker. My white, super conservative Trump-loving Southern Baptist mother-in-law posted his stupid video on her Facebook the other day, so I had to go in on her and his stupid “logic.” Ain’t nothing worse than a black dude selling out The Cause for a pat on the head from Massa.

Nah, I meant profile photos. I’m not too good at internetting. Anyway, I just figured it out. Yay me!

Damn, home girl. You don’t take no prisoners, do you? I see you.

My girl, for real. How you gonna come after sauce after you do that travesty to fried chicken?


This is all incredible, and I’m totally on board.

Just don’t be serving no skin-less “fried chicken” at the reception.

That’s it. I’mma have to put a fatwa on you. FIE ON THEE, HERETIC.

I love all of this, including the original post. Shout outs to all y’all.

You’re out of your fucking mind if you think Clinton is in any way comparable to Trump. This is a terrible analogy.

Dark Gable: White boys run the world

Good questions, that require serious answers. Here they are:

No way. Cracker Barrel is by far and away the absolute best place to stop on road trips. Fried okra. Catfish. Trout. Chicken fried steak. Dumplings. It’s good shit, trust.