
Having trained in jiu-jitsu since I was a kid I have encountered several petit ladies who would absolutely ruin your shit. And you would have no way of knowing that they could until they did ruin your shit.

So, “don’t hit women” might be a better rule of thumb than say, the actual Rule of Thumb; but this one is best:

I don’t understand the logic of the people arguing with you; she’s an adult who made the decision to assault a person. He did the same thing. Adults should be responsible for their actions, regardless of gender. They’re both assholes who had the same bad judgment.

And we don’t have to lie about it. Paul Ryan has already promised to privatize Medicare.

I wouldn’t be advocating for violence against women. This puts all the rest of your shitty takes on this site in perspective.

In that situation using your feet to walk away from someone is smarter than using your fists. Just leave.

When I was 12 I went to see Return Of The Jedi in the theater with my best friend and his mom. Driving us home my friend’s mom pointed out that when Luke (spoiler alert) killed the Rancor in Jabba’s gladiator pit and made Malakili the Rancor Keeper cry, HE WAS JUST AS EVIL AS DARTH VADER.

don’t fucking use disproportionate force to break a woman’s face?

In that situation using your feet to walk away from someone is smarter than using your fists. Just leave.

They’re bad takes. There was absolutely no need for him to knock that girl out. It doesn’t matter what she said, and her physicality presented zero threat to him.

Playing fair makes us liberal/progressive. Abandon that and we have nothing.

So, timeline of events: she motions for him to come over, says something to him. He turns to leave. She shoves him. He makes a threatening, forward motion gesture. She slaps him. He punches her.

she did. the first person to make a physical attack is the one who started it. What words were said before hand don’t really matter.

He does seem to barge in on the animated conversation the girl is having with someone else at the table

The point she grabs on to him and starts hitting him is the point at which it was likely impossible to end the confrontation without getting violent with her. I’m not sure how someone is wearing “grab onto a dude and start hitting him,” but I guess if that’s the clothing style the kids are into these days...

She used physical force, so she fucking deserved it. Case closed.

A bit conflicted here. I was expecting them to be in line and her accidentally bump into him or something. On one hand, he is a world-class athlete and she is a woman and he needs to be cognizant of that, And his level of force is unnecessary.

She “beckoned” him over to the table at the 0:23 mark.

As a 150lb dude, nobody would blink twice if this guy knocked me the hell out after I hit him first. Despite his response still being “disproportionate” and despite him being “much bigger and stronger”.

Why did she hit him? Who started it?

She is a special kind of stupid for pushing and slapping a 6'1 230lb person. Also, fuck you, Joe Mixon.