
“To repeat myself for the millionth time,” is a turn of phrase, conveying my frustration that people weren’t reading the whole thread before commenting so I’m not sure where you’re getting that it couldn’t stand on it’s own.

For the record, they were two independent clauses. “For millionth time,” is a turn of phrase about how many times I’ve had to repeat myself, it has nothing to do with the information that followed the semicolon. You were wrong about that, too.

Using “and” after a question mark.

“lol, holy shit. Are you fucking full enough of yourself? And learn to use a semicolon, idiot.”

Isn’t it ironic that you fucked up the grammar in the same post in which you took issue with mine? I mean, I might be dumb, but at least I have a degree of self-awareness.

Also who uses a conjunction after a question mark?

You can’t be a piece of shit in every response and expect people to take you seriously.

You’d be a great troll if you were more self-aware.

I feel like you’re projecting a bit on my post. I’m not being intentionally dim, I was being deferential to your legal knowledge. Also, I’m not sure what you mean by false equivalences, I specifically said I think they’re both in the wrong and even said, “on a visceral level his reaction is WAY more horrifying to me

Just following your lead, asshole.

I’d say I feel sorry for the people in your life but something tells me you’re so repulsive that you’re completely alone so there’s no reason to. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if your “wife” is someone you made up for one of your bullshit false equivalences.


Yeah, that’s total bullshit. You’re just a piece of shit looking to fight on the internet. You haven’t had anything substantive to say this entire conversation, rather you prefer to be a contrarian ass. Is your life really that boring? Are you really that pathetic? Maybe take some time to reflect on that before

Wow, so your entire issue is that I can understand his reaction? The problem is my empathy? That’s fucking dumb.

If your wife hits you on a regular basis I would probably tell someone, at least to get some outside perspective. My last comment about your judgment wasn’t a joke (if you can’t tell, my sense of humor is complete shit so I try not to joke), if someone hits you in the face and you show restraint that’s admirable.

Yeah it sounds like you’ve got better judgement than this kid.

It’s like whatever part of the brain allows for empathy is atrophying across humanity.  

Because you’re experiencing spousal abuse?

I think that’s a great point.

I would agree, but she also struck him in the face. The only reason it is different is their size and I don’t really know what kind of onus is on a larger person to be more restrained from a legal perspective, I’m not a lawyer. From what I was able to find on the internet there isn’t one but you might know better.