My immediate thought as well!
Yeah, funny enough, that’s exactly how I hoped a conversation like that would go and for some reason it seems like Cho decided to twist it around on the podcast for comedic purposes. Maybe there’s more to it than this, but right now Cho looks very bad.
They only showed us what they wanted us to see. Had we been able to see all of what was hacked, we might have come to a different decision. Hence, they at least attempted to manipulate our election. That is foreign interference and needs to be investigated and countered. I hope Pence is up for that.
How did a copy/pasted email exchange between 2 other people involve any bias on the part of Rich?
Your options are some combination of the following:
Or we covertly up our efforts to oust Putin. Doubt that will happen under Trump. Might happen under Pence, but I doubt it.
I’m Team Tilda here and am impressed that she sent you the full conversation when she obviously had done this privately to avoid stepping into something over her head.
How does it feel to be ironically supporting the cuckolding of the United States by Russia?
Good question... I’d like to know the answer too.
Saying their #3 priority is the nation feels wrong to me. I’d think #3 would be getting their kids cushy jobs through unethical political practices. I’ll give you #1 being themselves as ‘having all the money’ falls under that I feel. The nation being #4 still feels too... close to being important and they don’t seem…
My thoughts as well. Right now he is just old man shouting at clouds to me. I’m prepared to fight him with everything I have once there is actually something to fight, and I’m not particularly interested in giving up one iota of energy to his powerless gaslighting.
I hope someone Comey respects sat him down, showed him all the evidence about Russia influencing our election, and then added, “and you helped facilitate an outcome desired by a foreign nation,”.
Okay so the CIA and FBI say “Russia interfered illegally with our election”
Egad! This is already bad, but I know multiple comments sections are going to be inundated with people either denying the US Government is right about this, or trying to deflect that a foreign government inserted itself into our democratic process (the REAL issue, afaiac), and threatening violence in the streets if…
I’m glad we’ve all had a nice little chat and agreed on this.
The telling part is that Russia hacked both the RNC and the DNC. They only released the DNC information, which means they are blackmailing the Republicans to get their way. And as we all know Republican priorities are 1) themselves, 2) the party, and 3) the nation.
He won’t, because he doesn’t have to. I’ve never seen a man so fucking lucky in all my born days.
you know, the closer Trump is to inauguration, the less interested I am in anything he has to say. His words are completely meaningless. At this point, I’d rather just block him out entirely and wait to see what he does.
If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act?