
Yeah I’m not following this “words and stated plans don’t mean anything” train of thought Trump supporters seem to have. If that’s true how do you know he’s gonna do anything you like? Oh wait, he said you’d like him and he tells it like it is. But wait, if words don’t mean anything...

Yes, this legislation authorizes the President to grab every woman in the country to establish that she’s not a terrorist, but don’t worry! It’s not intended literally!

Eh, I don’t have a president the next 4 years.

No worries. These comment boards are difficult to gauge what other people are trying to say. To tell you the truth, our comments were probably the most sane ones I’ve had on here

That is why I wrote to read the entire thread because the original commenter and I figured out what we both were trying to say. I perceived his original comment differently than he intended and that is why I made the comparison.

No, this is more apropos:

Why did you spell alcohol w-e-e-d?

Just pointing out that the false equivalency you were trying to draw was a response to an idea no one put forward.

But less than the general population

quality troll

In that case, what are your thoughts on terrorism?

you should have stopped at uneducated society.

Or you’ll shoot?

No fuck that and fuck you.

In my experience, yes.

Actually, they are born assholes. I learned that at church (see: original sin).

Thank god that man had a gun to defend himself from the other man who was apologizing. Things might have gotten out of hand.

Shot in the middle of an intersection in broad fucking daylight while trying to apologize. This is a scary country we live in.

Louisiana needs more weed and fewer guns. Let’s all chillax, peoples.