
Well, my kid is five and he has the vocabulary of a much older child. He wouldn’t say, “I’m hungry” he’d say, “I’m famished” and instead of, “I’m so tired” he’d say, “I’m exhausted!”

ooo, whos this guy, kinda looks like tim gunn. i have high hopes :3

We are one or two Trump sleepless nights away from Alex Jones being appointed as Secretary of Conspiracy Theories.

The account pretty clearly states if the comments are from the mother (Fatemah) or daughter (Bana). It also says very clearly that the mother runs the account and translates for her daughter. I really don’t see how it’s skeptical that the daughter is saying what we’re reading - obviously it comes out in plain,

When did Daesh invade Texan politics?

Games like this that have figurines (ala Games Workshop) aren’t cheap. Pretty sure that was the point he was attempting to make.

Speaking of Bana and English, after she tweeted something about liking Harry Potter recently, J.K. Rowling sent her digital copies of all of the books. It was fantastic.


$250 is the cheap end on this game, but I agree. Also “cheap” is relative. Most board games I buy these days are in the $80+ range though, so I’d still say that board games aren’t cheap.

So you think what’s going on in Syria is make believe or what?

Thanks. I for some reason insist on butting my head against this particular wall multiple times a day pretty much every day. I’m long past sick of idiots like that one making proclamations about Syria, a country they know jackshit about, and giving less than a single fart about what Syrians actually say, want, or

I think the “something” is very obvious: Please stop the killing.

Heck the western mom would be on the daytime dog and pony circuit aka talk shows for doing that.

Who do you think the child is that is in so many of the posts? A figment of imagination? She’s obviously real. Why does it matter if she is “speaking”? She is there. You can see that. You can “verify” that, no?

I’m a native English speaker and taught in a foreign language to children. The mom has already said she is translating her daughter’s words into English. From the article:

News flash: You’re never not being misled. Every documentary you have ever watched is manipulative as hell by design. Does that make them “untrue”?

Why do you think that we are being misled? I don’t see that at all. The mom is translating her 7 year old daughter’s words into English and putting them onto twitter. She’s not denying that. Is it not possible that the mom’s English abilities is a part of why it doesn’t “sound” like a 7 year old? Have you ever

I’m not saying that at all. I’m pointing to the skepticism it appears the BBC was dancing around, and asking whether it even matters.

No. If anything, it suggests the mother doesn’t have faith in the world to give a damn—and if that’s the case, I’d say her skepticism would be warranted. The fact that you feel comfortable lecturing her on her priorities seems pretty much indicative of that, no?

I thought about it, too.