
That’s why it would come after party on the list, but before country.

Kind of disappointed the article didn’t just read, “Don’t.”

Religion comes before country on that list, I think.

No, they  hacked the DNC with the intent to interfere with an election. Similar, but different and worse. The emails weren’t simply given to them for them to make public.

Yeah, if Trump or his supports thinks he’s got some political mandate they’re demonstrably wrong.

Of course, the has ad hominem has finally made an appearance, but no I’m not a Russian troll bot. I’m sorry this subject is too nuanced and your feelings got hurt.

Obviously I get why the reference is used, that doesn’t make it any less frustrating or frankly, offensive. We already have Mussolini, we don’t need another fascist ascribed to us. Thanks.

Yeah, so how do you think they’ll react if that win suddenly becomes a loss due to our archaic election system? I’m guessing it’ll be worse.

No, anecdotes aren’t evidence, but there super great for one’s confirmation bias when speculating on the internet.

Be willing to do whatever is necessary. If that means that we demand our party fight fire with fire, so be it.

Then you’re no different than the people you claim to oppose.

So what’s your solution?

Naw, if people die it’s not good.

I’ve never understood that logic.

Happy Birthday to your son!

No, I’ll continue to advocate for politicians, policies and initiatives that support democracy. I’m not going to abandon my values because the opposite party does. Government should be about creating a beneficial society, not making sure your team wins. We have plenty of sports for that.

Yeah, but there are still millions of ardent Trump supporters who won’t see it that way.

The plural of anecdote isn’t evidence.