The Mighty Fish

No matter how righteous the content of the monologue is or how skilled the poet happens to be, listening to an entire hour of slam poetry sounds physically painful. But that's just me.

A huge amount of the publicity surrounding it was it being a new Jurassic Park movie and nostalgia for the old film. Which were significant parts of the Fury Road and Force Awakens marketing from the same year. The difference was that Fury Road was a stellar independent installment and Force Awakens (while also IMO

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that no actor working today could have made Owen Whatshisname in Jurassic World a charming, exciting big-screen presence with that movie's absolutely garbage script.

I agree. It was especially difficult to make a character like Ron Swanson (conservative) sympathetic and enjoyable to watch to viewers who are likely to enjoy a touchy-feely show with a female lead (liberals) without compromising his character, which I never felt like they did.

It definitely has far less novelty now. Especially since the definition of what a Netflix original even is is so diluted. I'll probably watch OITNB, House of Cards and Sens8 as long as they're on but I don't think Netflix can rely on a built-in audience for its shows as much anymore. Which, with how much of its

There's a "huge number of wishy-washy" white women who voted for Trump apparently, so that she'd have an audience isn't surprising at all.

Current headline on Slate: "Marine Le Pen Doesn't Have A Chance." We never learn.

The only thing Kevin Feige will say concretely about their post Phase Four plans is that there will definitely not be a Black Widow movie happening, right?

That's similar to how I feel about the Destiny Ascension choice. I can't say "I saved the Destiny Ascension because there were thousands of more people on it than the smaller human ships" at the end of ME1 it's gotta turn into a "Who do you like more? Humans, or aliens?" thing. Just goes to show that Bioware has

Well, I guess that's one way to save time, but they obviously didn't spend all that time making the animations quality or smooth, so . . .

Not to be nitpicky but I think calling it "fun subtext" is pretty funny. "Shepherd, someone DIED during that. Quit thinking with your dick."

If you're roleplaying a character that's would be predisposed to / becomes interested in Liara when they meet, the really strange and creepy way they wrote the romance (especially since the game makes it clear she's basically the Asari version of a teenager) can kind of be looked past. But if you're more interested

I really don't give Bioware any credit for explaining or clarifying or anything else about the ending six months after release with DLC. The ending was absolutely broken at launch and Bioware made it very clear that even with Leviathan and the Extended Cut DLC, that was the ending they wanted, as it was when the game

I really hate how few dialogue options there are. The ones that they have, especially when there's four separate choices that correspond to different emotional states, are good. But there have been way too many times where a character has talked to my Ryder and I've gotten ready to respond and my Ryder is like "Nah

Even the ones who don't ascribe to the "George Soros controls the world" philosophy will completely discount your opinion. I heard about people in my state contacting their local representatives with concerns and being told variations of "Well that sounds sort of like a /liberal/ way of looking at things." Because of

My father is a Lutheran so this joke is depressingly familiar to me — not in this specific form but in the very real vitriol between groups of people.

Is that a reference to their popularity being near a terminus, or their actual lives?

That's why I was alternately disheartened and terrified when Bernie Sanders started criticizing identity politics. LGBT people, racial minorities, etc. are going to be left out in the cold if the Democrats are too cowardly to stick up for them.

I'd nominate Fungi Forest from Donkey Kong 64 considering that that really seems to be where the developers ran out of ideas for puzzles

You really missed an opportunity to do "tick tock clock can eat a cock"