The Mighty Fish


I don't understand how someone who is allegedly a creative type of personality could watch something that so completely bastardizes their previous work without any understanding of the subtleties of it and still manage to say it was "good."

That's applicable to every Plinkett review

God, I don't understand that awful motion-smoothing. It makes me feel physically uncomfortable.

My dad LOVES Avatar. For context, he hated "The Force Awakens" for being too "preachy" and "politically correct". Let that sink in.

I don't know how attached people really are to directors. Granted, if anyone is going to think of a director's next product as guaranteed to at least be enjoyable, it's Jame Cameron. But the success of Avatar needs to be seen in a historical context: it was a huge, international movie that translated well and was a

Isn't that kind of an antiquated term, anyway? Aren't directors much more independent now than they were fifty years ago or so? I don't really get the criticism above. It implies that Marvel and Disney are hiring, like, contractors who aren't creative but malleable? But they're hiring different people who they seem to

I get depressed and it's after the release of Avatar; even if those two events aren't linked, can I call it post-Avatar depression?

I don't really understand the difference. You're allowed to be upset with and criticize the Westboro Baptist Church's methodology and ideology, and I'm allowed to criticize a comedian or a public figure. I don't really see the difference between the "criticism" I'm talking about and the "sea of vitriol" / "outpouring

What exactly are you defining as "policing of speech"? What is inhibiting artists, if not criticism?

The thing is, I'm absolutely certain he did sit down and think about it. He carefully structured it and tested it out. That's what good comedians do, because even though they're performing, they're still bound by general societal expectations and etiquette. I don't mind it when people find or even transgress that

I don't think it's about hamstringing comedians. No one is telling a comedian they are legally unable to say something like, "Wouldn't it be funny if she got raped by like four guys right now?", or whatever other example there is to put forward. I'm not saying that person should not be allowed to say those things, and

I do and I didn't mean to impute that viewpoint on you directly. I'm a big free speech guy myself. But I also think there's a fine line between "person says controversial thing and wants to be protected from persecution" and "person says hurtful thing and wants to be protected from righteous criticism"

I remember it being kind of a snooze.

"Do you get it? It's because the gays are all showy and loud! And in other news, the lesbians are all scruffy, butch and play softball!"

I was under the impression that it was because "Good Job, Internet!" kept re-producing his tweets in painstaking detail on very unnecessary subjects

I don't like the idea that "SJW = policing speech" because it's an idea that people spread around that SJWs wanna ruin everyone's fun and not let anyone say anything controversial which is frankly bullshit.

As I understand it, it's made up for with a superficial fixation on what your hometown was and who your family is.

My wife loves this show, even though listening to the accents (for me) is the aural equivalent of being pummeled in the head with a canoe paddle.

I like how it's not "become a stand up comedian" it's "be Sam Kinison" which is appropriate of course.