
Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well. 

The wheels are big Tesla fans.

The Falcons could regularly be had with more than 300hp, so with people being all about numbers, they’d have a difficult time going down in hp after giving up their beloved Falcon.

Next question.

Justin there’s no way we can trust these numbers! They didn’t use a digital tire pressure gauge.

Make better comments.


The guy in the Range Rover Sport ended up facing a civil suit from the motorcyclist he ran over, who was — stunningly — represented by Gloria Allred. That motorcyclist was driving on a suspended license and claims he is paralyzed. Certainly that is still ongoing.

my 6 year-old truck hasn’t spontaneously burst into flames, turned itself off on the highway, or shot shrapnel at my face. #winning

News flash: In my time at Gawker Media I have never, not once, or even heard a rumor about any of my stories or viewpoints being bent to some political will. Content has never been changed, swapped, watered down or re-construed in any way based on a political bias. In meetings I have never heard of such a bias

That’s pretty common “feature” on newer Fords, it seems -(seen here on a 2014 Escape, but also present on at least the current Fusion and Focus):

Maybe if you knew how to use your mirrors, you would have seen the fucktard that did that.... I recommend hitting them with your vehicle. kind of a “survival of the fittest” sort of approach.

as a communications major, Im just happy to be able to spell torque.

Is the Norwalk virus where you sit around wishing you were actually Bellflower?

I have this theory about Lexus RX colors that they are all actually the same. Oh sure they have different colors — gray, blue, gold etc. But they are always some indescribable “in between” shade, like a grayish blue or a goldish silver or a whitish gray or a bluish green. The result is all are roughly the same shade