the metrognome

Ah, I thought there was a dead horse pun that I was missing and it WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY.

Okay, I'll be that guy because I couldn't figure it out. What easy pun am I missing here?

Man! I just learned to make these frigging things!

If you cannot afford to run a business SAFELY, then you cannot afford to run a business. If regulations put a lot of unsafe places out of business that is not a bad thing. You're literally saying that money is worth more than life. Think about what kind of a person would come to that conclusion.

Are you like Archmage of the Aether but using Christian Mythology instead of D&D? Or are you an actual adult who thinks he's fought a demon? I am not sure which one I think is funnier.

Is it possible he meant demagogue instead of demigod? It'd make a lot more sense for Jim Jones.

Ah, we like you gnome-atter what you call yourself!

I am a gnome of peace and maybe we should all just calm down.

Okay, so if even you will admit that it is real, then what would be offensive or thuggish about suggesting that black people may have a different experience with the police than white people in America?

So follow up question. Racism against black people isn't real, but is there racism against white people in America?

Andy Griffith in Rustler's Rhapsody, that's exactly what you're talking about. If you haven't seen it, go do so.

But did the space ship come into view?

Jesus, I've really gotta piss. Can anyone watch this for me for five minutes? I feel like it's coming soon and I am afraid I am going to miss it. Five lousy minutes guys!?!

I actually took the nickname the Metrognome from my D&D character who at the time was a rogue gnome and kind of a ponce. Sir Fonzig Fartbarf last king of the Aldouin and Hero of Alexandria. (He was really into collecting official titles as often as he could.) So, I guess what I am saying is, I'll accept your bonus.

Okay guys, still waiting. I've got a lunch packed and my afternoon is free. If anyone else is curious as to where this is going the line starts behind me.

You're killing me, I need to know!

While this show definitely had a Japanese crime syndicate last year, it featured no Yakuza. Read a damn comic book people, that was the HAND!

Yeah, you. Now sign here for your canceraids delivery.

Jaws 4: This time it's personal.

Hey, you're now a citizen of the internet and a man! Have some congratulatory canceraids!