the metrognome

How is that not already a gimmick user account here?

The Toxic Avenger I think was a revenge story after the fact. I remember reading that Lloyd Kaufman had read a headline declaring the monster movie dead and always being a contrarian decided his next film HAD to be a monster movie. The revenge angle came when he decided not only was he going to do a monster movie, but

Don't interrupt man, let him finish! I am still waiting to see if he mentions having read it.

OH GOOD LORD! Is my favorite thing to shout when I slip and eat shit.

So is this a new gimmick account? Small minded conservative troll who constantly argues with everyone? I like it, but I wouldn't lay it on so thick.

They wrote parities but they meant parodies, right? Or am I being a dumb shit? Are they mutually exclusive? Maybe not. Do I ask a lot of questions? That's for you to answer.

Okay, I tried for a firstie and failed. I've never been in the position to try, and it was too tempting.