My wife ran track and field at Wartburg College and she was a four-time all-American. Or license plate is “WTF AA”.
My wife ran track and field at Wartburg College and she was a four-time all-American. Or license plate is “WTF AA”.
I was hovering around a capital punishment joke, and then you had to ruin it. +1
Yuengling is nectar of the gods, my friend. How dare you question this
Well after that move, I guess you can consider him a real GM.
Judging by the video, it’ll take about .5 seconds for them to get eaten.
That’s what I thought of, too. And then there are the gamblers, I wouldn’t be surprised if people with money on the line are going back over everything just trying to find one small infraction. Maybe that’s the reason it was a day later that the infraction was noticed.
How dare you speak common sense!
So this coin flip ended with a team winning... who wasn’t a part of the coin flip?
That gif is going in my 12 ft spank bank, Rob
Man, a 12-foot dick would be nice, though.
“Just give me a second.” Seems fitting for someone with two game-winning shots in a row.
Not a monumental story. IMO.
Now for us that have limited vocabulary, we usually call it “rough sex without the sex”
I responded to another post on this, but I’ll say it again. Not all publicity is good publicity. She couldn’t explain her ideas, she couldn’t answer his questions.
Look, I agree that Trevor Noah is nowhere near Jon Stewart. In fact, he is the main reason I don’t watch the show anymore.
Well, this is a lot to chew on.