
Yeah! Fuck Bernie for not rolling over to a corrupt DNC. It’s all his fault!

Minor league Kinja.

I guess the fans should act like the cubs have made it to the world series before. It’s been 100+ years, celebrate each and every opportunity because the cubs are a perfect example that nothing is guaranteed.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up hide long enough until the guy walks away” - Swedes, apparently.

“we’re all one dick away from placing something in the wrong place”

Moth er of God.

i’ll take it

“Some black guy wide receiver.”

“Shoulda flipped that bat, bro.”

fucks it up

he moves just like puppymonkeybaby

don’t do this to me.


Really cracked under the pressure here, kid.

NFL Execs have had this problem all year. However, it’s because they only see the color of money.

you play ruff, or you don’t play at all.

Jerry Jones is probably on this as we speak. Next time Greg Hardy fucks up, the camera will just cut to Special Teams Assistant “Cuddles McBalderdash.”

I still can’t call this a tough play, though. There is no excuse for Duda to miss D’Arnaud that badly (from 90 feet away!). It just sounds like you are looking for any reason to take the heat off Duda. I seriously doubt that Duda made that throw and thought “that one’s on Wright’s spinal issue.”

In high school, my coach sat his top three players for the first half against the #1 team in the state.... because he wanted to surprise them.