
There’s no way that continuing to stiff the BIPOC employees is cheaper than just paying them fairly. They haven’t posted a new video in 2 months, their viewership has to be down, and who’s going to watch them now? Fucking moronic.

I like Brad, but I don’t know how many more things he can ferment.

Agreed, this format both sucks and blows.

[puts down pangolin sundae and pouts]

What, no Top Secret!? Heat? Incomplete list is incomplete.

It’s still the best of the series from a gameplay perspective. The latest game is fun for the huge number of characters and options, but none of them live up to the feel of playing Melee.

Personally, any cop that walks off, should be fired, and their pensions forfeited. You want to show solidarity with a killer.. fine, that shows that you place your “team” above what is legally, ethically, and morally right, which means you do NOT deserve to wear the badge.

Yep! Minneapolis is going to pay out tens of millions of dollars here, tens of millions of dollars from all of us who live here, to pay for the sins of the police.

Sadly, it won’t. City officials are happy to keep paying out for fascist cops because it’s easier than the short-term pain of going up against the police. A MPLS councilman was just tweeting about how every time they didn’t increase (not cut; failed to increase) a requested police budget, cops would slow-walk

As much as this is an important step to take, suing the police department won’t accomplish the necessary results — the police department is a protective bubble around the police officers who committed these crimes. Any damages incurred will be paid by the PUBLIC (through their tax dollars) and not by the actual

Taking it from the pension fund is an interesting idea. That shit would dry up QUICK

It's like Garfield Minus Garfield except the dementia and insanity is real

When Trump finds out Jack Bauer is not in the FBI, he’s going to be really upset in a Fox News interview and tell Barr to find out which liberal got him fired.

It’s actually not too terribly expensive to put a decent set up together, especially since most theaters have the picture/sound calibrated horribly. You could get a 4k 65inch tv for $500-$600 that won’t be top of the line but certainly good enough in a dark room. Significantly less if you don’t want a screen that

Greyhound is about the Battle of the Atlantic in 1942, just after the US entered the war; it was a very bad year. Hanks plays a Navy destroyer captain escorting a merchant ship convoy. Their civilian crews faced near impossible odds as German U-boats hunted them in large groups called Wolf Packs. You could stand on

Actually the problem is that the USPS is required by law to prepay for retired employees health costs. Which means billions a year are set aside. No other company or government agency has this requirement. It’s believed the post office would run in the black if they had to deal with this like every other entity.

Kayne is what happens when smart, ambitious, people with serious mental health issues decide they don’t “need” medication because Jesus is the cure.

Anyone who disagrees with this obvious fact will come along shortly to “correct” me.

This looks like the rally Trump held a couple weeks ago where he laid out a timeline that only showed his active decisions and ignored all the missed opportunity to limit damage. Maybe if governments were more interested in protecting their people than assigning blame to anybody but themselves there would be less than