
I heard that due to projects like Barry (HBO) and Forever (Amazon) it’s going to be a loonnggg time until season three...    :(    (I was just thinking the same thing earlier this morning though!)  Damn that show is funny.

Man... Some of these stories are truly horrifying...

A few years ago, I was getting ready to move from Cleveland, OH, south to Columbus.”

I mean... Fuck that noise!

I’ll take it to my goddam grave that No Doubt was NEVER a fucking Ska band even though countless people back in the day for some reason referred them that as such.

Hell or the full size maps that come with these types of games.  Even if you don’t really use them for the game still cool to have.

Release Red Dead Redemption on PC already goddamit!

Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea?!?!

I guess the classic GC controllers that work best with Smash are failing more and more for pros due to the age. That controller might have just gotten long in the tooth and it was time to retire it. I had my Wave Bird shit out its right analog stick in the middle of a casual fight in SBM with my best friend and

I usually get shit from my friends because I pretty much always get to-go boxes for a little less than half of my food. I just figure I don’t have to stuff myself every damn time I sit down for a meal. Plus when I get a little hungry later on or the next day there’s a snack! And I don’t want to body shame at all.. But

Freddie Prinze, Jr night terror punched Sarah Michelle Gellar one time I guess. I remember him talking about in an interview. He sounded like he felt horrible about it and goddam I bet he did.

So sorry to hear it.

Has Reddit or the like fucking destroyed this guy yet?

Anyone from the mid-west? Cause, Mellow Cream or GTFO!!!

The Democrats failed by pushing Hillary down Americas throats.  They failed long before this fiasco.

I’m in.

2001 Nissan Frontier (Crew Cab)

Lol never seen this. Love it!

Almost every married woman (and a lot of guys) at the hospital I work at wear these during their work shift. As I’m sure countless hundreds of thousands of other married people in jobs where a ring like this would make sense. I’m sure when they go out on the town or whatever they wear their real nice rings.

Almost every married woman (and a lot of guys) at the hospital I work at wear these during their work shift. As I’m


Nah, if this guy gets fucked over hard for this and people are happy about it but other people in the same line of work get off for worse...

This means nothing. Blasting some douche in a selfie shouldn’t be of any focus.

(As I ready myself for getting blasted for a post on internet)

Yeah I’m thinking it’s 8:00 pm Get out of bed. Viciously beat a Vietnamese man.