
I’m truly sorry to hear about people losing jobs and some people losing a game studio they like..... But....

Telltale games were/are the weakest ass shit games.  My opinion.  That is all.

(The show is garbage that is why)

Tell my family I loved them when I die...

From eating as much oh-so-delicious pizza until the day I do!

Hey, sometimes we’re overly apologetic and wildly curious about your culture so we can seem smart and/or appropriate it.

(And because this is the inetz, jk, havin fun with a reply comment.)

Yeah that was pretty damn good.

What the fuck are you talking about?   His actions were NOT ok.   

Wellllllll...    Goddaammitttt.     Did not know this.   Yeah fuck that guy also then.

Dang...   Doesn’t work with TV shows..  Kind of a bummer. ohhhwelll

Exactly what I was thinking!

I still have a sweet spot for Mountain Lightning. Also Dr. Thunder.  

As someone that just picked up a 2DS for $60 last week... I say waaaaaahhh-waaaahhhhh.   Sometimess holding out for a console gets you some good deals.  And if new games are still coming out for it yippie for me!  

God people are fucking stupid.

LOL I needed this picture of a donkey painted as a zebra in my life.

I’m a single duuuude and I do some bitching about where my tax dollars go that doesn’t ‘directly’ effect me. Schools and education has never made me bat an eye. Fuck if it’s going to schools and education take more! (It’s not making it to schools and education so stop takin mah goddam money!)

Well it sounds like this dumbmotherfucker will be dead in a year or two from some COPD related death that I wouldn’t usually wish on anyone but this fuck can saver his last breath as much as he can but the world will saver it more.

Man.... I could see him doing a killer Spalding Grey bio-pic. He’d have to loose a lot of the funny-funny stuff but I think he’d nail it. I’d probably be one out of a hundred people to watch it but whateverssss.

Pretty boss they brought back Gay Tony! 

I don’t know if this is more American Psycho or Fight Club.


I was reading Yelp Reviews for a Joe’s Crab Shack and this lady wen’t off how they are horrible for people with seafood / shell food allergies.