
I know I’m going to sound like a dickhead about this...

Screw these “pretty decent / pretty good/you know funnymovies that come out as a squeal a decade later. Super Troopers 2 ten years later, nope. Dumb and dumber 2. Nope.

I lovvvveedddd SuperBad. But no. I don’t want a squeal to it now. Maybe 2 years or so after,

^ Never seen this. Fucking Hilarious!

I live in Illinois and asked a cop if I could see his speed gun and he flat out told me no and gave me a ticket. Is there anything I could have done to actually see it??

Always good to see 8-Bit Guy gettin some love!

I mean...   That’s one narrow way to look at it.

I’ll welcome my maple syrup and hockey loving overlords if that’s what it takes for this country to get its shit together.

You CRAAAA for not including HBO’s Succession. It’s been pretty damn good 4 episodes in.

Goddamn Andromeda Strain was such a great movie!

It’s unfortunately the damn democrats fault. No one fucking wanted Hillary but that’s who they ran. I’m a firm believer that Bernie would have won. But Democrats pushed Hill and that’s how we got Trump.

not having to worry about a power cord and using it for my moto 360 watch I get it. If I didn’t just blow $ on 16gb of ddr4 (I don’t damn need) I’d pull the trigger for 10kmah with QI.

not having to worry about a power cord and using it for my moto 360 watch I get it. If I didn’t just blow $ on 16gb

I’m probably way to picky with movies to justify going to a movie in general so I only hit the “big ones” so I can usually find someone to go with anyway. And I worked a movie theater for a couple of years in HS and destroyed so much popcorn I’m good for life.

But yeah, nothin but respect to folks that do of course. To

I’ve fucking never gone to a movie by myself. Once every blue fuckidy moon I’ll eat at a restaurant or grab a beer by myself at a bar or something.

I wait for that shit on dvd or blueray and with food I’ll drive thru and go home.

If I’m getting my car worked on I’ll spend all day at the closest walk to restaurant or

Yeah.... I got it right off the bat.   Interneting is hard sometimes I guess lol.

You’re out of your mind if you think American Psycho is a ‘bad book’. I wouldn’t recommend it to my mother but that does not make it a ‘bad book’.

Yeah, wtf? If she paid with a $20 or a $50 you think he’d be more pissed at that. But obviously this is a terrible shit bag person so.... Prob didn’t matter.

For getting harassed by some idiot cop that doesn’t know what a goddam Morel looks like? The guys is right that cop absolutely should know what real “shrooms” look like. Not all of us are cool with a police state bub.

This all the action and drama of being in a car with my mother as she drives with NONE of the team work or good-time feeling.

Oh shit. I meant Home Depot!

Of fuck the rest of ‘em for sure. And if Hobby Lobby is some sort of monster of a company fuck that guy also. But. If I made the first Hobby Lobby it worked out great I get to retire and live the dream, good for me ya know.

I don’t think I can hate on anyone that co-founded a company that became successful and now owns a team. That’s kinda the “American Dream”.