But will this make Philly fans less brutal?
But will this make Philly fans less brutal?
Off topic, sorry...
But geez, everyone get a deep freezer! You can buy tons of shit on sale and save it forever. You can get a nice one for like $150 or less new who knows the deals on used. I know even $150 and the space to store a deep freezer is an issue but I don’t know why I didn’t get one 5+ years ago.
She kinda looks like a Nagel painting. Maybe that’s just me.
Probably the weird format of thread-conversation. I gave a star to the comment from DaGr-I’m-ey1 due to the whole lawsuit getting you nothing & 1st gen tech as no bueno for me not noticing his comment went to you. Probably Internetz fopaux.
“Russ”.... Lol. Grade A+ trolling sarcasm I like it.
... I paid for Louise Belcher’s abortion? I mean... That is kinda weird.
Lived in the great USof’A my whole and have worked at large hospital for 15 years. It’s fucking insane how expensive medical treatment is here. With or without insurance.
Not that Lana Del Rey looks ‘bad’ but I get what you’re sayin here.
God I love these guys. I saw them in Chicago and the theater was packed, good for them. They work hard and deserve the fan fair.
No fucking way I’d risk having the whole internet world coming after me over a dumb jacket.
“eughhueghghuehgh!” !LMFAO!
Agreed, I’ve touted Lambrusco for years. Good stuff!
I got a new desktop! After years of being disappointed with goddam laptops I’m back in the game. (If I sound like I’m twelve it’s because I feel like a goddam twelve year old.) Weeeeeeeeeee!!
#5 ..That is how I feel anytime I go into a Kohl’s.
*Fuck that “teacher”.
You’ve never lived man.
..... The whole damn article I was wondering wtf this had to do with that awesome band Purity Ring?!
I tell waiters/waitresses I’m allergic to fennel seeds and have them ask the chef if they are in any meats I order so I know for sure not to order anything if they are included. ...Because I fucking hate fennel seeds.
...... I was kinda stoked for this movie :(
Lol that might be goddam hilarious. (And I love the Duke)