
Amy FTW.

She’s married to Dave Franco.



(Have a good day!)

Yeahhh.... I also got one of these once once upon a time. It was one magical day!


JeeeesssuuusssssssssChrrrriiisssstttt. What a bunch of bitches.

I never had a ps2 but on weekends at the job I worked at one of the guys would set it up and we’d play the shit out of it when we had the chance during the day. Those were some damn fun games.

Ever have a shower beer brah? It’s the tits.

Was time spliters 4-way mutliplayer? I seriously can’t remember.

Cheaper showings of older movies.

I’m dumb and “grazed” the article thinking it was about old controllers.... myyy badddddddd.

I know I’ll take some heat from purists but something like the CronusMax Adapter you can pretty much use any controller on any other system... (Including mouse & keyboard on consoles, which is a big no bueno to some). I don’t have one but I went from PS3 to Xbox One and am seriously thinking about getting one just so

You cheese eatin’ sonsabitches make an awesome Old Fashion that’s for sure. Never had a bad one in Wisconsin.

I have seriously heard this from 3 or so people that have taken them out for a test drive. They went in all stoked to drive it and it was a total ‘meh-fest.

^Ford Fusion that is.

I don’t know how to edit apparently... sooo...
*edit* The Central Park Five twitter feed: “Guys!” (!I’m starting a weed business!)

“one of the very few people”

I don’t know how to edit apparently... sooo...
*edit* The Central Park Five twitter feed: “Guys!” (!I’m starting a weed business!)

“one of the very few people”

Wish people were wondering how any of the central park five’s handbags look.

Well my opinion sure isn’t “Get it, Monica!” More of a who fucking cares about Monica Lewinsky and whyyyyy?? And I must have missed whatever news that put her anywhere near the #MeToo movement. And not to “slut shame” but whatever maybe don’t blow a married guy let alone the president. I don’t give a fuck about her

Counter point. No one should give a shit about this woman good or bad. Kardashin level why do people give a fucccck?