Oh I know, it’s not ideal but better than nothin I guess.
Oh I know, it’s not ideal but better than nothin I guess.
I don’t feel bad for this piece of shit at all.
You can also get youtube via an install of the Kodi app and I think a video add-on named Exodus.
They raised the price and goddam took off Always Sunny in Philadelphia.... WTF!
Oh god.... The website is awful and so are the clothes. This is some sadddd shit.
I do the “V” ‘Eating Vagina’ thing with my fingers and tongue... Because I’m classy like that..
I want the shit outta the spot...
Yeah only 2, and the weirdo ‘wand’ thing. (And a couple of firesticks) I hook the dots up to external speakers that’s why I like ‘em so much.
This is why I have two dots.
I’ve used them on my tp-link smart outlets with no problem. Also used them for window unit AC’s no prob.
Yeah... I know... This sounds kinda legit. Like if you found the right beer you’ve never really loved then mixed it up with a pickle spear it might work out perfect.
Was there any video of the John Oliver / Dustin Hoffman transaction? Because I’d love to see it.
Chris Pine won me over with his goofy character in Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp.
Sounds like “Big Wine” propaganda to me....!
(As a drinker, I can agree with you this is going to be gross.)
.... Me and some friends got cut off at an Applebee’s one (lame) night. We had been there for hours in the back corner just hanging out after we ate having some extra drinks. I kinda get it they aren’t a “bar” per say but the we all ordered one more round and tone got super serious and they told us it was only water…
BWW is hella over priced, but those are some damn good wings. Asian Zing... More like Asian Shwing! (I love the roast beef classics from Arbys tho....)
I know it’s not the same thing as From the Earth to the Moon but ‘When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions’ by Discovery Channel gives me a hard on, blows my mind and makes me teary eyed all at the same time while watching it.
Good God... Yeah... No sympathy from me. I hope it was insurance fraud and they all go to jail. (Or get karma for their bullshit ‘sales campaign’ other than repaid by insurance.)
Well alright! Thank you I’ll give this a shot.
Could you give me a quick easy stock recipe for a 4-quart pressure cooker? (I just got one and want to do some stock in it!)