
The stacks look legit. Yea, dunno about the goddam “pod race’ tho...

Fusion reactors live in five years?? I mean that’d be awesome but please point me to the proof of that. Seriously, give me some articles because that’s awesome even if it’s within 20 years.

This girl for sure needed a CT. An Xray wouldn’t have shown anything.
If the EKG and heart monitoring showed a normal sinus rhythm, even with PVCs any ER doctor in the country would have sent this girl home. That is also given that the lab results didn’t show any signs of blood clots or they didn’t order a Stress Test.

I know I’m going to get a big “fuck you” & hopefully some “can’t take a joke?” comments.

But “Wypipo Tournament”... Damn that’s racist.
As any “*Insert Race* Tournament” would be.

Freedom of speech and all, but damn.

(White guy speaking so, throw me on the list where I belong I guess.)

Sanders would have won.

I dunno... A battery pack that will charge your phone 2.5x is super cheap compared to a battery case that can do the same. In fact you can probably buy two battery packs that can do a 2.5x charge of your phone for the price of one battery case that can only do one 2.5x charge.

Pfffttt... If we have to work around your damn Menstruati’O’Pods once a horrible week every month, for life, maybe cut us some slack with your goddam Kohl’s Dollars.

This has to be keeping up with the same vein of garbage people getting notoriety, opportunity and in the end money.     

Guaranteed that shithead doesn’t even know what song this is.

Songs / Band. My bad. (I’ll take the shithead roll myself for taking it in as one song.)

Something like this.. ?

I don’t really get how Fargo is a limited series being in it’s third season and probably will have a fourth....

That being said at no fault the rest of the show Ewan McGregor’s performance throughout was great. 

I hhhhhhhhhaaaateeeeee, hate, hate that plastic black bubble where a grill should be on the Tesla.

The whole article I was thinking about three things in no particular order:

1. Wow, ‘tongue’ is spelled weird.

2. The Chameleon’s tongue! Convergent evolution is crazy!

3. Highschool girlfriend

Bonus: Someone before me wisecracked that picture looks like an Ant Eater coming out of the back of a Panda = Obvious win.

I was actually pretty cool with the idea of anyone piloting a vehicle potentially flying within commercial airspace having a license...

But you know, that’s just like my opinion, man.

It’s the freaky once-was Honeycombs ‘mascot’.

LOL random but I’ll take it.

Saw the first episode last night. This show is going to be great!

could just be the trailer