
I got a buddy of mine that always clears his plate. Always wants to get an appetizer, when I mostly don’t. I usually eat half my meal and get full, get the rest to go and eat it later that night or the next day. The guy always gives me shit about it. Needless to say he refuses to ever take his shirt off, not even in a

Is Japan from WW2 the win? (I’m only so-so with my was knowledge.)

Bulllllllshit. Fuck the Democratic party for pushing Hillary over Bernie. Bernie would have won.

Reminds me of my oll’ HTC 8925, even though it was a behemoth I loved the damn thing.

lol, kinda looks like Adam from workaholics. Sorry, my comments always get way off point....

People might hate on this comment. But... I agree that they both seemed to old. It only worked for Toby because, well, dude was a man child. Even now at his age he looks considerably younger. Emma stone as a highschooler... ehhhh coming off SuperBad and Easy A, ok. But Garfield coming off from Red Riding and Social

That’s the weirdest damn car wash I’ve ever seen.

This looks like a baseball game I want to play!


... ... Can we see this hat?

I’m single and live alone and always am the first person at the office to leave or take a day off whenever possible. People always ask me “Don’t you get bored??”

I don’t think I’ve ever been bored in my life.

goddam that’d be an expensive way to speed your games up a bit.

goddam that’d be an expensive way to speed your games up a bit.

Xbox1 guy here (regretfully.. should have gone PS4)

I like the external hd powered by the usb3 becasue I just took my little WD 2TB hd and velcroed it to the side of the xb1 so it is always connected.

But I move my xb1 into another room when my friends come over to play so it makes it that much easier.

Xbox1 guy here (regretfully.. should have gone PS4)

I like the external hd powered by the usb3 becasue I just took my

Lolllllll. Goddamit it I didn’t think of that

Annnnnd enters the fun at parties guy...

Lol, yea, I saw that pic and was kinda blown away also


Stared by a white guy. But I hate littering enough to take my chances. Like, just throw it in the fucking garbage can people. They’re only fucking everywhere.

Nope, more than eye for an eye for this shitbag. No prob’ with death what-so-ever.