I like this show, I’ve liked this show. But this show needs to end, it’s done it’s job.
I like this show, I’ve liked this show. But this show needs to end, it’s done it’s job.
this over a $5 refund? Jesus christ, pick your battles mate
Ah good deal, thanks for the reply gives me ideas of what to start putting together. I guess I’ll just gun for the 1080 myself right out the bat.
Michael Chiklis is a Cowboys fan?? Gross.
No. No. Saleslady is right. Boys hate shopping. I want to kill myself every single time I’m dragged by someone into a fucking Kohls.
Hey off topic, what is your systems specs? I wanna get a vr rig for this game. Sorry to bug ya but thanks in advance!
Nocturnal Animals would fit into that. Movie was fucking garbage start to finish.
Oh this is great! lol
You just reminded me that some fuckhead tech took the cable modem I bought years ago when he came out to set up my internet at a new place I had moved into. He ‘switched’ it out with a ‘new’ one but kept mine and didn’t tell me he was adding the new charge of $5- $8 bucks a month because apparently I was ‘renting’…
I.... I think we should hang out lol. I’ll admit, I’m kinda trashy tho
Oh yea, I’d literally tell them both to fuck off for that. Or hit all the button then get out, something, no way I would take that shit from anyone that isn’t some political person with the S.S. telling me to take off.
You need send a better man.. Not because I defended myself so well, rather you’ve obviously killed the wrong person. Ah shit, shouldn’t say that I guess.
What do you mean? (I totally clicked it...)
DAMNNN Kelly Rippa makes an on-fire Harlequin
Completely agree. Never liked Fallon. Not on SNL, not his show, not ever.
“When your teacher gives a break on an assignment and gives you a better grade than you deserve but you owe them one for being nice”. And then you pay back that debt by laying someone that hits that teacher the fuck out.
Oh what an ass haha. I didn’t even catch the upper left of this video where the read camera was recording. I get why the guy was kinda pissed but dang what a dipshit.
Oh fuck this guy or anyone that flat out murders anyone, eye for an eye. I think we don’t kill enough people like this and quicker. You rape someone, death sentence. Murder, death sentence. Kill be killed, move along.