
“Crush a man” doesn’t appear anywhere on this list, and therefore it is invalid.

The difference is that the story structure is deliberately simplistic so that it can allow a lot of extremely talented improvisational actors room to improvise.

These movies aren’t about the story, they’re about the performances and always have been.

Absolutely. If Guest is involved, it’s a guaranteed 11.

“God loves a terrier
yes he does
God loves a terrier
that’s because
brown sturdy bright and true
they give their hearts to you
God didn’t miss a stitch
be it dog or be it bitch
when he made the Norwich merrier
with his cute little ‘derrier’
yes God loves a terrier!”

1. Make extremely funny movie.

Yeah so if I find your sense of humor laying around I’ll be sure to send it back to you.


Podcasts? I can't stand the sound quality to be honest, I much prefer smacking down some cylinders on the old gramophone.

It's kind of sad how people can't see how they are intertwined.

I don't go to Burning Man, I attend the alt-fest Smoldering Woman.

I'm anti. Put on a SWEATER LADIES.

Ugh. At least it’s not “Ghostbuster’s girlfriend”.

I’ve tried to bust ghosts many times but have always ended up nursing them or marrying them. Or sometimes both. Us ladies are just too nurturing for the violence of it all.

Maybe this implies that toddler boys aren’t even capable of being Ghostbusters? They can just, like, wear the merch and be the Drake to somebody else’s Rihanna. But little girls can totally grow up to actually be a Ghostbuster.

Haha I’m guessing you know EXACTLY who will be taking care of your kids when you have then and that is your wife. So gtfo with your terrible talking points.

I mean, call us back when you actually have kids and are forced to make these decisions in real life instead of judging millions of parents from your comfy spot on the sidelines.

Maybe they meant that she’s one bad mother, like Shaft?

Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

And this right here is what pisses me the fuck off about our parenting culture in America. Parents (well, mostly mothers) are expected to be able to fill every single need for their children single-handedly. A parent is expected to be a caretaker, teacher, cook, laundress, cleaner, food source, and crafter-in-chief.