yeah I’m not welcoming anyone until they submit at least three lentil recipes.
yeah I’m not welcoming anyone until they submit at least three lentil recipes.
Number 5 is like, Go back in time and crush a man in 2001. Them shoes!
100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.
Sexism and racism were things that we conquered years ago before Obama and Hillary made them real again by getting all uppity and not knowing their places.
Jesus. And here I am without the core strength to sit on the floor.
I almost threw something last night. The Netherlands girl finished her beam routine and started working in a notebook and the commenter was like, writing in her diary. And Nastia immediately corrected him, “she’s calculating her starting value to make sure she gets the full credit.” And then later they showed her with…
Politics is hard if all you’re willing to do is scream about how unfair everything is.
Most things are rigged against people who have no idea what the fuck they're doing
Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: HELEN MIRREN. Helen Mirren sassing her way through a casino heist, GO.
I’d imagine they should just start making movies with all female casts instead of remaking movies with all female cast. Especially something (re)made so recently. You have to compare them because they are essentially the same.
I mean, there has never been an all male starring cast film that has got us on that one gals. We need to try harder.
How about this...make a movie that people want to see? I know, absurd and all...but Hollywood continues to make the same dumb mistakes over and over...Ghostbusters failure was predictable from day 1...if your hook is “now with women!” you’ve already failed because a hook is not why people go to movies...Just make a…
Or, here’s a thought: Find a new freaking story!
We have somehow gotten to the point where every not-entirely-provably-false thing he says or every 12 hours he manages not to say anything at all is some sort of “turning point.” I don’t understand why people keep acting like it matters that he managed to read one prepared speech endorsing establishment candidates. If…
If teen punks can get visits from large and humorless agents for saying shit on the internet how has this semimelted sienna crayon not been renditioned somewhere??
These are the same people that think deporting millions and building a giant wall btwn the us and Mexico are not only good ideas, but entirely possible things to accomplish. Their notion of logistically possible is a bit skewed
The loudest aren't always the most numerous. They delude themselves into thinking they are the virtuous victims of a corrupt system when in reality, their parents voted in the scumbag that hauled away all the jobs and gave them nothing in return. The white working class is so exasperating. I cannot wait for it to…
Clinton better win by a goddamned landslide.