
THANK YOU. That’s the problem right there. That men are expected to hold on and even defend things and decisions they now see are wrong or don’t fit them anymore.

Wow. I didn’t realize that there was a woman in her forties competing in Olympic gymnastics. Bravo for her. Also, I love that Jez only shows action shots of the female gymnasts instead of the male gaze shit that we so often see on TV. They are amazing athletes.

Good thing the Constitution still protects his wife’s right to have an abortion without consulting him first.

Dear Marco Rubio, Fuck you. (Back to the Olympics.)

Easy for him to say. He won’t be the one going through the heartbreak of having a child with microcephaly.

In fairness, small people are not to be trusted. Just look at all the trouble Napoleon made.

Rog says that the guy got all stirred up by their Islamic sorcery. It wasn’t his fault!

I like how initially it was a guy behind them who started complaining, yet they’re the ones who got booted. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder what’s going on here?

This is why I only fly Trump airlines. No Muslims, Mexicans, disabled people, or crying babies to have to worry about. And they cut holes in the pillow cases so you can see out of them when you wear them as a hood, too!

This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

Yeah. And it just so happens that my mom is the reason everything gets done well and on time.

It's more like 35-42% if you include leprechauns.

My namesake!

I just checked out their Twitter account, and it looks like the Waterstones Corp account recommended Bridge Jones' Diary to the new social media manager. I chuckled.

This may be the most moderate, tempered, and logical comment about Jesus in the history of Kinja. I wish I could give you an award.

Well it’s not free, you pay in water.

I would vote for a candidate whose main platform was free wine, in a second


Yeah I mean if a candidate started performing literal miracle and like curing cancer on stage-turning everyones water bottles into wine-making one slice Pizza multiply unil there was enough for everyone. They would absolutely have my vote.