
And the other 18% of statistics are bears.


This argument was made 50 years ago, and your position lost. Sorry.

I repeat, there is absolutely nothing in any of your religious texts that tell you how and to whom you may conduct your private business transactions. You’re not being pious by denying services to LGBT folks (or anyone else you disagree with), you’re being a bigot. That’s it.

Something about it makes me want Red Lobster for some reason.

Srsly wtf kind of braid is thst?

Forget tinfoil hats.... Tinfoil condoms.

Actually my guess would’ve been a spike in male sterility due to background radiation from all the wi-fi enabled gadgets.

Also, can we please note that it’s complete bullshit that schools like Eton are “boys only”? It’s not just class that’s lagging behind, it’s gender, too.

Without all these unwanted children growing into troubled adults, who is going to occupy the private prisons I’ve invested in?!

I want to see more history being taught about how children were seen as practically always awful expendable burdens by most people in the bad old days, when birth control was mostly non existent, but infant mortality, child labor, and grinding poverty were the general reality for everyone but the very upper classes.

Remember, gun laws are pointless when it comes to stopping illegal guns, but laws stop abortion absolutely.

“Have you thought about regulating the safety of back alleys? Because that’s where a lot of women will be having their abortions” Samantha Bee knocks it out of the park in her most recent show.

“DIY” and “abortion” are two words that should not have to be in the same sentence in the twenty-first century.

It’s almost as if the people who are anti-choice hate women. But that can’t be right... /s

Whoa, it’s almost like making abortion more difficult to obtain doesn’t make the need for abortion go away.

I’m gonna march out my front door and punch the first Republican I can find. Bye.

I made it for a friend. It’s pretty straightforward. I just need to stretch and frame it.