
Can someone with scientific knowledge tell me, do fetuses at 10 weeks have feet?

Every vote counts. If people actually voted instead of whining about how it doesn’t matter because.... reasons, then this country would have a viable third and even fourth party. We don’t and that’s why we have to make the best of what we have.

When you don’t vote, you get the government you deserve. So, thanks for being part of the problem.

I don’t get this attitude. I love Bernie, I donated to Bernie. But handing over the country to these lunatics out of spite if he doesn’t get the nomination is insane.

For once, Hillary is America.

Funny that white men can find some common ground with other white men who just happened to be attracted to white men, but women still aren’t people.

The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.

Priorities friends

March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November: LET’S MAKE SOME FUCKING HISTORY.

Didn’t one of the UT deans already resign? I bet that a lot of the best faculty there will start looking for positions somewhere else.

So only those who are truly dedicated to bringing a gun on campus may do so legally. Those most fanatical. And since there will be a “legitimate” presence of guns, it will be that much easier to carry one illegally, without drawing attention.

I’m a red panda & I approve this post.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In basically every movie, Leonardo Dicaprio always just comes across as the best actor in a high school theatre production. Which is to say, he’s not *bad.* He’s always just, like, Leonardo Dicaprio in a costume and talking in his “acting” voice.

It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

Gaga seems to me to be from whatever planet Odo was from in Deep Space 9. She has no definable facial features, yet manages to convey human-like emotion.

I didn’t even know it was an election year, to be honest.

Well in NBC’s defense, I don’t think there has been enough coverage on this election. Who’s even running? I wouldn’t know. I mean, an analysis of a poignant and provocative music video? Nah, give me more Trump.


so phoenix tattoo is not for the role

She dropped “Bless his heart.”