
Yeah, I know. It’s fuckin pathetic. Like, the moment of the democrats becoming the undisputed rational party has been 25 years in the making, and right now is the most opportune moment. And instead we’re gonna piss it away if we haven’t already.

Agreed. Obama did a great job given the circumstances, but all the feely-hopey-changey voters who immediately became disillusioned when Obama performed within the constraints of his role to inch us forward decided to sit out the last few midterms. My future is too important to trust these fair-weather voters again.

*hands you an antiseptic wipe, points to button*

I’m choosing the candidate who has more reasonable goals, a clear plan to achieve them with both domestic and international experience.

I agree. Even women who support Hillary are bending over backwards to be like, no, no, I don’t care about the fact that she’s a woman. Well, I do. Representation matters.

I support Clinton for the detail amd feasibility of her plans, but yes a woman would be the gravy on top!

How about vote for her not just because she’s a woman, but a woman who was the 3rd female secretary of state in history, and was a leader in the senate within one term, and who has been usurping the male-dominated establishment for decades? Or, how about vote for her because she actually has a realistic chance of

Just voting against Clinton, because she’s establishment or whatever, is also patently wrong. Bernie is a long-term senator.

My mind is/has been set. I am going to caucus for Hillary tomorrow for a few reasons.

Excellent gif usage. Two thumbs up and three points and a swish!

Of course everybody wants what Bernie wants. The problem is that there’s no way he can deliver. We already elected a dreamer and the GOP has made it their life’s work to discredit him. I want someone who knows how to get things done.

Having a vagina of the democratic persuasion in the White House would not mean everything, but it would certainly mean something.

Everyone seems to think that saying “I’m voting for Clinton because she’s a woman” really means “I’m *only* voting for Clinton because she’s a woman, and I obviously just haven’t *researched* enough and only vote on genitalia”

Don’t discount the vagina entirely. Having a black man in the White House was meaningful to people of color. It broke barriers and showed what was possible to young people.

Yeeeah I used to feel this way, and then I started researching Bernie. And then I started researching Hillary. And man, now my heart and head both want me to vote for Hillary.

I know of only one way for a feminist to vote: go into the voting booth, select a candidate, squat on the voting machine, and use those strong vaginal muscles to pull that lever.

I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to

You mean... we AREN’T supposed to vote with our vaginas?

Bless this post! More political coverage on the main page! WOOOT WOOOT!

here for all the of amazingly reasonable takes that are about to happen