The spoonful of sugar wasn’t a “placebo” it was a chaser for actual medicine. Get it right!
The spoonful of sugar wasn’t a “placebo” it was a chaser for actual medicine. Get it right!
Thanks for not telling me I’ll get pregnant for sure. Seriously. I fucking hate that. That’s everyone’s go to response, and while I know they mean well, that’s not something you can ever know, you know? Your response is about the most realistic, down to earth thing I’ve heard in a long time. You need to give my…
I would have hoped that your medical school education on the numerous foetal complications that are incompatible with life that aren't detected until late into a pregnancy would have swayed you to revise your stance against late term abortions as well.
If you believe human life begins at conception, you also believe that women don’t really have rights.
No one has the right to suck the way of living out of someone else, even if not doing so, means they die. If restrictions about abortion were truly about the life of another being, then we wouldn’t need permission from corpses to use their organs to save other people.
I love it when fence-sitters like you try very earnestly to explain that some people sincerely believe abortion is murder. You’re like the apologist who insists that more people would embrace Christianity if they just knew all the cool stuff Jesus said, like that shit is some well-kept secret. WE FUCKING GET IT. THE…
If you are undecided or against abortion, that’s 100% fine. The issue is when you or people like you want push your beliefs and legislate those beliefs to impact all women. That’s the point here. Essentially: mind your own business.
I’ve found being infertile has the same effect on me. Feeling betrayed by your body and like you’ve lost control of your life because you’ve lost control of your fertility is a horrible feeling I would never wish on anyone.
Hell yeah. Women’s bodies are so different, and what works for onr woman might not work for another. Some women can get pregnant at the drop of a hat, whereas some struggle with infertility their entire adult lives. It’s frustrating to talk to people who say things like, “Well, -I- never had an unplanned pregnancy…
Thank you so much for sharing your story.
This is brilliant, thank you for writing it. And just to help you contextualize your experience a little, the second-largest group of women needing abortion in the U.S., (though not Canada) is women between 40 and 45 who are mothers. It’s not you, though your copper IUD failure is a spectacular one!
So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.
It’s like just because they can’t have sex we shouldn’t either
right but zika was created by the illuminati to cover up for the dangers of vaccines and monsanto and the pope never mentioned this is he therefore the antichrist and head of the european union?
I agree. Particularly when he advised Filipino women last year to “not breed like rabbits” yet gives them no recourse to stop that from happening aside from BS “natural family planning” which doesn’t work for most people.
No no, they TOTALLY understand how the Constitution works. It just doesn’t matter, because it’s not to their political advantage. Just like how they can whine and moan about “big government” restricting their freedom and turn around and propose abortion bans and compulsory transvaginal ultrasounds and so on without…
I’m also enjoying the complete ignorance of the GOP assuming that they will actually win the presidency and therefore be able to get their nominee on the bench.
If you’re an Ohioan like me, you hate him even more.
In some respects, I find Kasich even more repugnant that Trump or Cruz. At least they are upfront with their misogyny and intolerance. Kasich is a stealth bigot.