
Male marsupials mate for hours and then die. Males of other species do as well. It’s called suicidal reproduction. How come human men don’t do the same after busting a nut? #Answermescience.

Tbh I saw it and thought “Damn, when was the last time I had Mickey D’s fries? That sounds so good right now.” Then I kind of hated myself for falling into the product placement trap.

Many of us are grey everywhere, and just follow and comment from the greys, even after more than a year. I don’t think they’re interested in pulling us out.

Can you pause and think for a minute though how weird it would be to have Steven Tyler as your grandfather? I mean, especially if your other grandparent is a relatively normal person. How does a one year old even wrap their mind around the idea that those two different people hold the same position in their lives?

Maybe it’s something that comes with age? I’m a newly returned mature student, and all I want from my profs is rigorous feedback. How else am I going to improve?

The other irony is that my profession is high-paying, and my bosses know it. Every single woman around my age that I know at my job is the breadwinner in her family. My bosses know that my husband isn't exactly an investment banker or anything, so I don't know where they get this idea that he has a job that pays so

Just imagine this in other scenarios, too: my male colleague can bring one of his kids to class who has off for a teacher work day or because of a minor illness, have him sit in the back of the classroom with an iPad and headphones, and hearts melt but authority still stands. My female colleague who has had to do this

I’m feeling very conflicted by this now. I’m still in graduate school. Obviously there are lots of external factors in play, like when I finish my degree and whether there are any jobs available that year, the year after that, or the year after that, or... But anyways, I want to pursue a traditional tenure track

You could be married to a man who does 100% of the childcare and still be treated by those above you like you’re spreading yourself thin, because its just expected that a woman will do more of that work. Even if you do a great job, and mistake you make is going to get seen in that light.

It sucks that it appears pretending you don’t have kids is pretty much the only way to avoid being punished for being a mother. Ideally, we’d be fighting to make it so that work culture was more accommodating of parenthood. But that requires people who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of people who will come

I think it’s two things: who actually does the parenting, and who we expect is going to do the parenting. For the former, having to put your own career on hold to pick up the slack of your partner is definitely going to hold you back, especially in a competitive field like academia. But on the latter, lots of people

There’s just something about identifying as liberal/progressive that makes a certain kind of person feel like they’re categorically incapable of being racist/sexist/otherwise bigoted by virtue of their stated political viewpoint.

My heart goes out to y’all. It is so so hard to be in limbo like that for so long. I thank my lucky stars all the time that my partner is not in academia, rather he is in a profession that is needed everywhere. But he took a MASSIVE pay cut to move with me from one city to the next as I went from visiting positions to

LOL, sure, because women chose to be biologically capable of having kids? And women chose to be born into a society where women are drafted into doing most of the parenting work by default, even when they and their partners make a deliberate effort to be egalitarian about it? And women chose to exist in a society

I think it really depends on the university and department. With no official policy in place it really comes down to what a department chair can negotiate for a person.

Women don’t make children by themselves, for themselves, as some kind of idiosyncratic hobby. They should have partners sharing the burden. Societ should share the burden too. Also, fuck you.

Because it would help women. Policies that would help women aren't popular.

Ironically, in my case, I'm the breadwinner too. I appreciate the offers to go part-time if desired, but I find it fascinating that my bosses never seem to think that we might actually use the money I earn to, you know, live.

We still live in a society that assumes (and encourages the assumption) that women stay home with the kids. That’s what conservatives mean by “pro-family.”

I’ve had male and female colleagues have babies recently, only the women have ever been asked if they wanted to “stop the tenure clock.” Oh sure, cause I can afford to do that. Our university has money to hire a new dean seemingly every five minutes but we still have no more than the federal minimum for maternity