
This doesn’t look like a real movie. And I’m wondering how much Sprouts supermarket paid to have the sign for their store to be featured so prominently and so shamelessly in the middle of the trailer.

honestly WHAT ARE THE CHANCES they finally found another use for this wig

I had to go afk for a few hours after this went live, and am only now getting to return to the comments. This is absolutely glorious. People are writing 500+ word rants to counter the arguments put forward in a piece that purposefully makes no damn argument at all. None, whatsoever. My only issue right now is that I

Okay but I’m having a hard time understanding how the phrase, “NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAY “GRANDMA THIS” OR “GHOST DAD THAT.” ARE WE IN THE 1800S?” Could be taken as an opinion in a serious political piece.

100% same. I’m like “Shhhhhhhhhhhh guys don’t explain it to them!”

“If you’re the voice of feminism for millennials, it is a sad day.”


It’s just so obvious. Like it couldn’t be more obvious if she knocked on every readers door ahead of time to give them a heads up.


not gonna lie some of these comments from people not getting it are giving me life rn

I’ve actually met ISIS (in the ‘90s) so I would appreciate if people not fill my feed with uneducated bullshit.

I lost it at “I met ISIS in the 90s”

This is the brilliant think piece our generation has been screaming for. I am in awe. Thank you for your bravery, Joanna.

“and tell me if you don’t feel afraid of the direction our country is heading.”

The facebook comments on this are the best thing you will read all day. I bow to you, Joanna.

“...WIPE THE FLOOR with that mud pig Doland Trimp. He says we need to turn America into the biggest (width-wise) skyscraper in the world. I’m not even sure if the Earth’s surface could withstand that kind of pressure, and, secondly, I’m not sure that’s a country that I would like to live in.”

You get all the stars just for linking to this

Joanna you are the only truthteller out there thank you very much