
I was a Hilary supporter in 2008 — as a U. Chicago alum who had classes with Professor O — and this time around I’ve been sitting back and watching because I have election fatigue already. But, the more I listen to Mr. Sanders the more I realize, I’M WITH HER. And I better start shouting about it.

The reality is that a Democratic president isn’t going to be able to accomplish much domestically because he or she will need Congress’s help, and our Republican-controlled Congress won’t give an inch. But you know what the President gets to do a whole lot about? Foreign policy, and Hillary is the only candidate in

So it is okay for Bernie to make empty promises(which even you admit they are), but Hillary needs to be held to a higher standard of actually doing something. That is some amazing cognitive dissonance there.

This. For a guy who hasn’t passed a single bill in 20+ years in congress, Sanders should have some better plans for actually getting shit done. Especially if he wants to tear down the “establishment” - who are the people he’ll need to get his legislation passed.

That’s not a plan. Exactly what money? How much money? Bernie says he’s going to tax “Wall Street speculation,” but what does that mean? Does he mean he’s going to impose a tax on stock trading? Raise capital gains taxes? Both? Neither? Will this disincentivize people from investing their money in the markets, thereby

I think she has a pretty fabulous domestic record as well. She has prioritized children, education, gun control, women’s rights and healthcare for decades upon decades — don’t forget, it was “Hillarycare” in the 90s — and has generally fought for progressive intentions in passable legislation. I think that matters.

No, Bernie has those empty promises down to a science. They will be feeling the Bern the next morning, only with Trump or Cruz in office, they’ll have no insurance for the treatment.

This is what I really can’t even get my mind around. Why isn’t he running third party? He isn’t even a democrat, well until 2015 he wasn’t. During the last 24 years, he worked against and disliked the democrats. Now all of a sudden, he makes empty promises that young people want to hear, and he is the next messiah of

That’s because his plan is completely unfeasible. Most experts say that it’s underfunded by at least a trillion dollars per year, and he has no evidence to dispute that.

I watched this last night and was very disappointed in Bernie. He couldn’t answer a pretty basic question about the political feasibility of socialized healthcare. If you can’t answer this Q about your signature policy issue in a very friendly setting, how are you going to survive a general election debate, Bernie?

I think my favorite moment was from the 2012 campaign when Romney tried to come at Obama about the lack of ships in our Navy in comparison to 1916 and Obama went "we also have less horses and bayonets" He's clever as hell honestly.

“Because we didn’t start the lake of fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning.” - Billy Joel

Pretty much everything we “know” about hell was created by fan fiction that the author inserted himself in as a Mary Sue.

Heaven for the weather.

If anyone actually read their Bible and saw what, the description of that, it’s disgusting.

Starred for stating starring for Oprah statement

ding ding ding!

Who will her supporter vote for?