I’d take nearly anything over “We Saw Your Boobs”.
Maybe if they started it earlier. If the ceremony ends at nearly midnight, the 6 AM alarm feels a bit rushed.
I never get the people who complain about the Oscars being too long. If I had something important to be doing I wouldn’t be watching the Oscars in the first place.
Great can they also start the show ACTUALLY at 8pm instead of that stupid pre-show? Anyone not on the West coast need to go to work in the morning!
Cottonelle with Aloe and Vitamin E only for me, and I thought my butt was living its best life, until now.
Yeah...I mean even if it’s not enforceable (now). It’s not great that new bills are reaffirming that kind of nonsense. I get that it seemed like a pain to remove for an issue that was unrelated but.....that’s your job?
Thanks for getting that joke out of the way
There may be multiple reasons for them by now but essentially they are an effort to keep the food market stable. We don’t want to let the free market fuck with food prices so we provide an incentive to farmers to limit the amount of food they produce. Essentially, if you own farm-able land, the government will pay you…
And I will add that these people likely blame professors and Obama for high tuition costs. Reality is that costs per student has risen roughly with the rate of inflation. However, at least in my state, 30 years ago the state paid 80-90% of the overall costs at state schools. Now that has dropped to about 10%. These…
“I’m most afraid of the same as the last four years. Nothing in life is free, and that’s what really needs to be fixed here and in the whole country. The people are living off the system. The people that are coming in and we’re helping out more than we’re helping out our own. And school has to be fixed, we’re paying…
The Puritan Backroom is also the name of my Salem Witch Hunt-themed gay sex dungeon.
That’s a pretty remarkable exchange.
This is hilarious:
It’s about time some undercover progressives get these vile, theocratic unprincipled con artists on tape - then re-editing to suggest that they totally *support* Planned Parenthood and abortion.
Basically demonstrating just how *malleable* “created perspective” in video really is.
This is awesome. Now, all other airports need to follow suit!
Lol! You’re oppressing my free speech! It’s my right to lie about people I don’t like!
Publishers HATE Her!
Best article title of 2016. Please do a follow up— Publishers Angry at Homemaker’s Weird Trick for Selling Novels.